Susan Davis started Capital Missions Company (CMC), a social venture consulting firm, in 1990 and is its president.  From 1965 to 1979, Susan helped start five social ventures: Boston's black newspaper under publisher Melvin Miller (1965); an urban affairs publishing firm under John Naisbitt (1968); the country's first minority enterprise publication (1969); the first national publication for working women (1969); and ShoreBank Corp. (1973). Susan launched the Development Deposit Program at ShoreBank as one of country's first "cause-related marketing programs."

Susan used these experiences in business and finance to help create KINS Innovation Networks, a unique networking innovation method now proven successful through 21 networks created over a 35 year period. The KINS method uses nature as a model for innovation following a simple 9-step method anchored by 30 people from 30 diverse constituencies.  Susan is a model for how to conduct capital to do good works.  Read her inspiring free book The Trojan Horse of Love.

Jitendra has had the extreme pleasure of sitting with this exuberant woman-on-a-mission.  Her heart and optimism are infectious. Her visionary work is tried and true over decades.  She is proof that Spirit and finance can be transformative partners, a portent of a new economy based on generosity.  We're grateful to have Susan bring this wisdom of generosity to our next conversation.

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Everything said in the above description about Susan Davis was right on. Solid, inspiring, and grounded with great depth of experience in the new social models of investing. Hearing her speak for the first time, I felt energized and inspired to check all the links provided to learn more. Her materials are all free.   Occupy has led an important Call for Action and Call for Change. We can choose to demonize or we can choose to be educated on what we do not want to perpetuate.  Susan Davis, through Kins, presents real alternatives and a path to get there. Listening to her, I am reminded that we are all consumers and that by educating ourselves and speaking up, we could lead and influence where our savings and pension money is invested rather than feeling helpless and scared about the present and our future. There is power in numbers and in talking with neighbors, families and friends, we can start our conversations from the simple place of agreement that what we have now is broken, seriously broken and flawed. That's the real WHY of Occupy.  We can start learning together and Susan Davis offers a good place to start. For me, economics and finance was never about making money from money; it's about creating value from something where everyone can benefit: organizations, communities, society, etc. 100%...not 1% and not 99%...100%. 

I'm deeply grateful for Susan's choice to devote her life to infusing finance with consciousness and conscience. Hearing that a 10-12% sector of the capital marketplace is socially responsible is heartening indeed.  It further illuminates how we are entering a bifurcation zone, an evolutionary crossroads where the only road likely to remain intact is the one which conducts an economy founded on the triple bottom line.  

It's less a matter of if, but when...and the degree to which we enter this new road kicking and screaming or with unreasonable enthusiasm.  I'm a big fan of unreasonable enthusiasm.

I encourage everyone invested in birthing a new economy to examine Susan's gifts.  The Trojan Horse of Love is as much a sharing of a story of Susan's indomitable will for good as it is a guide for how to build powerful circles of influence that can support change in a truly sustainable way.  

The success of anything we do ultimately rests on the success of our relationships at all scales.  KINS principles are tried and true, whether you feel inspired to initiate a formal KINS network of simply choose to apply the principles Susan so freely shares, these principles will insure greater success for your mission.

Jitendra, I am deeply grateful that you urge people to gift my book to their friends from their hearts...and from their friends' hearts to their friends too.  The information on how we can launch sustainability initiatives that are faster, cheaper, higher impact and more fun is crucial.   It is a gift to us all from 20 networks successful over 35 years...and wanting this method to spread freely with love.   Read The Trojan Horse of Love yourself and see if you don't feel motivated to gift it to your friends.   Our ancestors will thank us for spreading love and sustainability in this way.


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