Welcome to Occupy Cafe's ongoing inquiry into the evolution of the Occupy movement, aka "Occupy 2.0" ( a phrase we borrowed from Walt Roberts of InterOccupy.org fame).

As we begin the new year, we invite a shift in focus and energy for these calls and for our work at Occupy Cafe in general.  We plan to have the Cafe emerge as a sort of laboratory/playground for the wider movement.  The conversation for this round will begin that shift by asking the following questions:

  • If your success was guaranteed, what bold collaborative action might you lead to bring forth an evolutionary shift in the nature of the Occupy movement?
  • How might Occupy Cafe evolve to support the design, and testing out of such ideas?

Please use this link to access our Collaborative Tablecloth for today's call.

Once the call is complete, we can continue our dialogue using this forum thread.

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Occupy (for me) is about leveraging change. The aspect of change I'm interested in is co-creating a more caring, just and civil society. There are so many involved for so many reasons with so many ideas about "change."

OccupyCafe is an evolutionary "process" and Occupiers have their perceptions are at different places in the process and are commiting their time and energy to change those things that are important to them.

I'm invested in weaving community among individuals engaged in OccupyCafe so we can support one another, pool our resources, and organize activities to nurture relationships and gain insight into the various ways we can work together to leverage change in our communities then access the resources needed to be effective.

One resource I've found useful is the Community Readiness Assessement

Dimensions of readiness are key factors that influence your community’s
preparedness to take action on an issue.  The six dimensions identified and
measured in the Community Readiness Model are very comprehensive in nature. 
They are an excellent tool for diagnosing your community’s needs and for
developing strategies that meet those needs.

A. Community Efforts:  To what extent are there efforts, programs, and policies
that address the issue?

B. Community Knowledge of the Efforts:  To what extent do community members
know about local efforts and their effectiveness, and are the efforts
accessible to all segments of the community?

C. Leadership:  To what extent are appointed leaders and influential community
members supportive of the issue?

D. Community Climate:  What is the prevailing attitude of the community toward
the issue?  Is it one of helplessness or one of responsibility and empowerment?

E. Community Knowledge about the Issue:  To what extent do community
members know about the causes of the problem, consequences, and how it
impacts your community?

F. Resources Related to the Issue:  To what extent are local resources – people,
time, money, space, etc. – available to support efforts?

Your community’s status with respect to each of the dimensions forms the basis of
the overall level of community readiness. 


Weekly Cafe Calls

Regular Calls are no longer being held.  Below is the schedule that was maintained from the Fall of 2011 through Jan 10, 2013.

"Vital Conversations" 

8-10a PDT | 11a-1p EDT | 3-5p GMT 

Tuesdays (except 10/16)
"Connect 2012"

1-3p PDT | 4-6p EDT | 8-10p GMT

"Occupy Heart" 

3-5p PDT | 6-8p EDT | 10p-12a GMT

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