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I was inspired by Monday's Vital Conversation with Suzanne Jones on non-violent/compassionate communication because there were so many questions and concerns regarding what to do with anger.  RIghtly so!   Whether it's the anger of protesters or authorities, left unchecked or unskillfully expressed, anger often leads to regrettable outcomes. 

Indeed, non-violence is the safe path to the kinds of resolutions that will win for all concerned.  So what do we do with those surges of powerful energy that threaten, not only our personal peace, but the peace and success of a movement?!

Suggestions for our exploration today:

  1. What is your personal concern or challenge regarding anger?
  2. How does your anger, or fear of anger, influence your actions and attitudes to the #Occupy movement now?
  3. How might this movement, as a whole, evolve if we knew how to transmute our anger into positive energy?
  4. How might we effectively share insight and education to encourage successful, non-violent  engagement by this movement?



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My feedback on what I would like on the Occupy Heart calls:

*2 hour length for the call

*more time to do each piece that Jitendra invites us to do.

Therefore, offer less on each call in terms of the # of activities.

By activities I mean your teachings, our being in small groups with each other, guided visualizing, body awareness, check ins...I like all the things we do. I simply think that we should do a smaller number of these things on a given call so that we can take more time focusing and listening and reflecting. 

I appreciate your invitation to us to give you feedback about how we want the calls to be. I would like that to be an ongoing invitation as we progress, regress, ingres or whatever...


Thank you, Helen.  I do appreciate your input and support your ideas.  I, too, would like the calls to be a little more "spacious" to sink deeper into the experiential explorations.  I agree with simpler, "fewer moving parts." 

Jitendra, I have meant to come here much sooner after last Friday's call.  It seems the world is speeding up, calling me to be more fully present in so many ways.  All the more reason for the Occupy Heart calls. Last Friday was my first and I was heartened to experience this kind of call space - as lots of what I see on Occupy Cafe is very much in the head.  I appreciate your calling us into an embodiment of our wholeness.

I would suggest that for new people you might invite them to come on 10 or 15 minutes early for an introduction to Maestro Conference and any other things that a first timer might need to know.  I know last time it took me a while to see where we were harvesting and to remember how to raise my hand, etc. So there was an awkwardness that may have detracted initially.

And if the calls take on a progressive nature, the same could be a good idea for participants who were not on the previous call. (although the harvest of the previous could be posted here as well.)   

It does seem that harvesting could be shared and even someone writing for you.

I did feel, as Helen, that more time in small groups would be good.  I felt very rushed.  And would prefer to stay to 2 hours.  More orientation up front or before the call, as I already said, could help too.

I very much appreciated your ability to sense into each moment about how to guide next steps.  Things never go as planned and there is certainly an art to in-the-moment sensing and flow with a group.  You did this nicely for the last part of the call.

I think there is a yearning for slowing down, being in stillness, in Heart space.  I appreciate your offering this. It is a valuable service to support and hold us humans who are experiencing a world that moves faster all the time.  Even those of us who are aligned and clear still need to slow down long enough to hear/feel the inner pulse of life.  In this rhythm we are sustained and even thrive. 

In graditude

Thank you for your feedback, Judy.  I like your suggestion re: coming on the call a little early for orientation to the website, dashboard and collaborative tablecloth.  It's a little late for this week, but I'll put out the invitation anyway. 

I agree completely that our small group time was short.  We'll shift that this week as well. 

Looking forward to deepening our journey tomorrow.



Weekly Cafe Calls

Regular Calls are no longer being held.  Below is the schedule that was maintained from the Fall of 2011 through Jan 10, 2013.

"Vital Conversations" 

8-10a PDT | 11a-1p EDT | 3-5p GMT 

Tuesdays (except 10/16)
"Connect 2012"

1-3p PDT | 4-6p EDT | 8-10p GMT

"Occupy Heart" 

3-5p PDT | 6-8p EDT | 10p-12a GMT

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