Listen to my interview with KMO for more insight into this week's journey into Occupy Inner Authority.

12-2p PST | 3-5p EST | 8-10p GMT

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There is a clear and sound case to be made for saying that "the 1%" has power over finance, government and its agencies, medicine, energy, police, military and the majority of food sources in a majority of countries. 

However, whenever we discuss the balance of power, we are really speaking about our own internal relationship with the principal of authority itself.  At it's core, questions about authority are questions  about rights to authorship. 

What or whom is the author of your experience?  From where, what or whom do you derive your right to be, to exist, to thrive or to express the impetus of creativity that you are? 

To what degree do you require license (permission) from any agency – divine, natural or human – to live your life with peaceful enjoyment, in harmony with the earth and people around you? 

To what degree do you require license to grow food and to share its bounty as well as the bounty of your gifts with those with whom you share the commons? 

To what degree might these rights be described as unalienable (inherent)? 

How might you describe the supreme authority in your life? 

If you were to stand and embody your inalienable rights, where might you locate your central authority? 

Grounded in your inner authority, how might your perspective and/or strategies – or the occupy movement's strategies – toward change for social and economic justice be affected going forward?

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KMO welcomes Gary Borjesson to the C-Realm Podcast to talk about dogs, human/dog interactions and the hierarchical aspect of dog social behavior — something which probably gets way too much play in our thinking about how we relate to dogs. Author Jean Donaldson warns us not to anthropomorphize our dogs and attribute human motivations and concerns to them, but Gary advises us not  to mistake dogs for wolves or underestimate the importance of humans to the thinking of dogs. Not even the great apes are as sensitive to the nuances of human gesture as dogs are. Getting along with humans is central to the dog’s survival strategy, so the disposition of nearby humans is always high on any dog’s list of concerns.


Music by Mistle Thrush

KMO, could you write a word or two on how you see Gary's conversation in relationship to inner authority?

It's right there in the title; Embracing Your Own Authority. To add detail would be to steal Gary's thunder. He communicates his ideas better than I would.

I'm sorry I missed the call that was a follow up to our C-Realm Conversation. I've got an interview scheduled for Monday that conflicts with the coming Vital Conversations call. How do I access the recordings of those calls?

I did see the title, but there was little in the synopsis that tied the content of one to the other.  I'm looking for a little more of a trailer before committing to opening up a lengthy audio.  If you think this is brilliant and relevant, I'll give it a listen.

That was 57 weeks and 57 conversations ago. Gary's a smart guy, and he's worth listening to, but I'd have to re-listen to the episode myself to give you anything more specific than what's in the synopsis.


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Regular Calls are no longer being held.  Below is the schedule that was maintained from the Fall of 2011 through Jan 10, 2013.

"Vital Conversations" 

8-10a PDT | 11a-1p EDT | 3-5p GMT 

Tuesdays (except 10/16)
"Connect 2012"

1-3p PDT | 4-6p EDT | 8-10p GMT

"Occupy Heart" 

3-5p PDT | 6-8p EDT | 10p-12a GMT

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