Tree of Abundance by Belinda Paton
Click on painting for larger view

We're taking this week's Vital Conversation, Occupy Abundance, still deeper.  Pia ignited spirited conversations, showing just how charged the concept of abundance is within everyone.
12-2p PDT | 3-5p EDT | 7-9p GMT 
Ultimately, signposts to this territory point to each person's own heart and mind...and body.  Jitendra, along with Pia, will be leading an exploration around abundance into the roots of our being, from which our beliefs and attitudes about abundance, both positive and challenged, emerge.
Abundance has less to do with one's financial balance sheet than one's relationship to this Earth, each other and belief in one's own value.  A new economy that acknowledges, honors and dignifies the total life-cycle of exchange, can take hold only to the degree that mass consciousness begins to reflect honor and respect for the totality of life's gifts and offerings, whether it be resources produced from the commons, or the loving genius of our human contributions.

Join Friday's Occupy Heart call
and explore your relationship with abundance and the changes you can make right now toward manifesting a just, sustainable and healthy flow that nourishes all.

  1. Describe your experience with regard to feeling supported for who you are in your life?
  2. To what degree do you feel nourished by your work in the world?
  3. To what degree do you appreciate your gifts and contributions? 
  4. To what degree do you feel valued by others for your gifts and contributions?

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Duane Elgin says that the most important question one can ask is whether we live in a DEAD universe or a LIVE universe.

I suspect that all reading this and participating in this discussion simply 'know' that the universe is alive and conscious.    It seems to me that abundance and 'alive-and-conscious' are synonymous.    We live IN an abundant universe.     Yet our powerful-and-protective individual minds (what we call our ego) tell us otherwise, because of our limited view of the past-with-its-experience-of-shortages.

We live in the very matrix, the very ether, of abundance.  We ARE abundance.   Harvey

Just discovered that I support myself.  Used to feel a victim of not feeling understood.  When I love myself enough, I don't require acknowledgement, though it's nice when it comes.

Saw patch Adams giving a lecture in a clown suit.  We are individuals and all one.

Having an accelerated condition of bigness.  Went into artistic forms of voice, movement, stillness, poetry, etc.--I experiment against embarrassment of going outside comfort zone.  Self support engages my courage to push limits.

Wary of bigness.  Don't feel supported until I show up as my full expression in the world. 

Having self support allows genuine from others.


Weekly Cafe Calls

Regular Calls are no longer being held.  Below is the schedule that was maintained from the Fall of 2011 through Jan 10, 2013.

"Vital Conversations" 

8-10a PDT | 11a-1p EDT | 3-5p GMT 

Tuesdays (except 10/16)
"Connect 2012"

1-3p PDT | 4-6p EDT | 8-10p GMT

"Occupy Heart" 

3-5p PDT | 6-8p EDT | 10p-12a GMT

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