An open space for global conversation
Here is some text some of us are using to get the work out about Occupy Cafe/the Natl Gathering.
Please consider sharing it on list serves, Facebook, personal invites to interested folks etc.
Join in conversation LIVE from the
Occupy National Gathering in Philadelphia!
Occupy Cafe will be on the ground in Philly for the Occupy National Gathering from 6/30-7/4. We will be convening conversation in person and virtually, from within and beyond the movement, for a dialogue about the ways in which community building might become a core strategy for Occupy.
Occupy Cafe Learning Center
We are initiating the Occupy Cafe Learning Center on the Independence Mall, where most of the main #NatGat action will be. We offer a series of one hour in-person trainings/workshops that integrate 3 vital principles for transformational community: 1- Inner Transformation; 2- Communication; 3- Management.
The Theme
Co-creating Transformational Communities: a global dialogue on growing communities that transform the world.
What is happening now?
What is possible?
What are we inspired to do next?
Ways to Connect
There are four ways that you can participateNow there's another great way to Connect:San Francisco Satellite Gathering Sunday July 1st 10am to 1pm Live
Webcast of the NatGat Conference from Philadelphia Live Teleconference -
In-person at The Friends Center in Philadelphia — Required reservations here
On your phone, individuals can connect directly into the live in-person conversation
Online, via the Occupy Cafe #NatGat Forum, starting NOW!
Live-streaming video
Now there's another great way to Connect:
San Francisco Satellite Gathering
Sunday July 1st 10am to 1pm Live
PORTLAND OR Satellite Gathering
Monday, July 2nd 7:45 am -10 am (8 am call-in)
Topic: OccupyBeyond Patriarchy
More in person- gatherings in other places are being organized!
See for more details
Most of us do not have the time/money to make it to the Occupy National Gathering in Philly, but thanks to Occupy Cafe, you can participate in community building conversations and make connections with people on the ground via conference call.
All Conference Call Times below are PST (West Coast Time):
• Saturday June 30: 7am-10am
• Sunday July 1: 10:00am- 1pm
• Monday July 2: 6am- 9am
• Tuesday July 3: 6am- 9am
• Wednesday July 4: 6am- 9am
East Coast Times:
Saturday June 30: 10am-1pm
Sunday July 1: 1-4pm
Monday July 2: 9am-12pm
Tuesday July 3: 9am-12pm
Wednesday July 4: 9am-12pm
The conversation has already started online! Go to to join in the online forum, find out more about proposed topics, and/or sign up for the conference calls!
Occupy Cafe
Conversations that matter are one of the highest forms of ACTION. Join us if you care about what #Occupy might mean for the world.
You can also give people the flyer link which has all this info in a very SNAZZY form:
(You can just tell people to type into their browser).
Also, instead of sending people to our main page, send them to our NatGat page:
that last link isn't working?
Fixed! it said natagat, not natgat. thanks for catching that.
To honor the "kick off" Occupy Cafe call from NatGat this Friday June 29, and to honor all the Occupy Cafe conversations coming to us from the Rufus Jones Room in Philadelphia, here's a quote from Rufus Jones that hung in my parents home for as long as I can remember and that now hangs in my home:
"Eternal lover of Thy children,
Bring us into
Thy life.
Make us sharers of Thy love
And transmitters of it.
Help us to become serene and patient
In the midst of our frustrations,
But at the same time make us
Heroic adventurers,
Brave, gentle, tender,
But without fear
And with radiant faces."
This is beautiful. I especially like the part about making us Heroic adventurers, brave, gentle, and tender...
Hi to everyone who drops in on this discussion. I want to remind you of the nightly Nonviolent (Compassionate) Communication tele-workshops that we are doing Sunday-Wednesday from 6-8 EDT. We had a great call today with most of the people on the call being new to Nonviolent Communication (Marshall Rosenberg's communication model). Everyone on the call expressed a lot of gratitude for the insights they gained during the call, and I felt a lot of gratitude for their presence and willingness to check out something new and different.
On Sunday, our facilitator will be Dian Killian from Brooklyn who spent a lot of time offering NVC training at the Occupy Wall Street encampment in New York City this last fall and winter. Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, the facilitator will be Mair Alight from Northern CA. Mair spent time offering NVC training to those on the ground in Oakland this last fall and winter.
Click on the link to the Natgat flier and scroll down to find the link to register for these calls:
Do y'all know Nicole Hollander who created Sylvia on the comic pages of the newspaper? I sent her the following invitation to join us at noon to talk about Occupy Women! (Nicole's blog is:
Dear Sylvia,
Community Weaving (CW) weaves the fabric of community to create a more caring, just and civil society to save our children's future. We are a network of "Good Neighbors" which is unfettered by bureaucracy, politics, religious doctrine, racism, or socioeconomic status - just neighbors helping neighbors by fearlessly giving and fearlessly receiving deeds of love!
CW members proactively care for each other by freely giving and receiving in a reciprocal manner - emphasizing the loving relationships developed through mutual exchange. Loving relationships have been proven to decrease fear, anger, alienation, and aggressive behavior; and reciprocal exchange honors both the giver and receiver equally. As a result, ALL participants are empowered. CW embraces a whole-systems approach in which diverse elements and especially their relationships form the structure. All participants are valued, everyone has gifts to give.
Community Weaving (CW) is an innovative social architecture that weaves the fabric of community within groups, social networks, organizations and movements. All participants pool and share human, tangible, and experiential resources. This innovative, participant-driven approach fosters reciprocal relationships between the grassroots and formal systems to break down silos and transform fragmented communities into interdependent functioning whole community systems.
CW provides a process to foster trusting relationships, and supports creative ideas to not only prevent, but to solve grassroots problems; utilizing existing strengths and resources of the people resulting in more resilient and adaptive communities.
The model, when fully implemented, impacts three distinct levels: the Individual, Interpersonal, and Community levels.
Individual Level. CW does not implement a traditional social service delivery model. Instead, it weaves a social safety-net that includes everyone who agrees to freely give and fearlessly receive deeds of love and abide by the CW Code of Conduct. This is a grassroots effort, utilizing the power of the internet, telephones and direct person-to-person contact for its information and organizational infrastructure. CW is an infrastructure wherein a wide variety of resources are pooled and shared (e.g., minor home repairs, child care, peer counseling, training) and easily accessed by all network members who need resources to help themselves or others. Resources (e.g., meeting rooms, educational materials) and referrals into CW are also garnered from local organizations (e.g., schools, hospitals, traditional human service agencies).
Interpersonal Level. On a second level, CW functions explicitly to improve the quality of life and self-esteem of those individuals providing services to other individuals within the CW network. In fact, the CW program is premised on the likelihood of positive life outcomes for all participants, both those who provide services and those who are receiving services. In the CW framework, a volunteer’s sharing of their own experience, resources, and expertise with other community members-in-need creates a positive interpersonal connection. This positive interpersonal connection enriches the volunteer’s own life as well as the lives of those who are receiving services. From this perspective, CW is unique. Traditional social service programs, especially those funded through traditional government funding, anticipate positive outcomes only for those receiving services, not for the service providers.
Community Level. Finally, CW proves that with widespread implementation, CW creates a positive change in community-wide culture. That is, CW fosters a robust and resilient grassroots network, building bridges between community members and between the community’s social capital and its individuals. The result is a network of community members functioning interdependently, resulting in a stronger and more vibrant community system.
. CW lends itself to diverse applications, including the following proposals we have received over the years:
- downsizing U.S. Air Force
- enhancing growth of the Transition Movement
- weaving community in the Occupy Movement
- integrating CW into the city of Chicago’s plans to prevent secondary disasters
Finally, CW’s success and unique design has garnered attention. It was featured in the Change Handbook, 2nd Ed., published by Berrett Koehler in 2006, it was the center-piece of an article on successful transition tools by one of the trainers, and it was one of the top 10 finalists in the search for civic engagement initiatives following the Obama election.
For those who want to connect into the network, we welcome you to register as a Good Neighbor at
Email or call 206.240.2241 to learn more.
Regular Calls are no longer being held. Below is the schedule that was maintained from the Fall of 2011 through Jan 10, 2013.
"Vital Conversations"
8-10a PDT | 11a-1p EDT | 3-5p GMT
Tuesdays (except 10/16)
"Connect 2012"
1-3p PDT | 4-6p EDT | 8-10p GMT
Posted by Burl Hall on September 18, 2015 at 11:55am 0 Comments 1 Like
Posted by Richard Kreidler on September 15, 2015 at 10:09pm 1 Comment 0 Likes
Posted by Aria Littlhous on October 2, 2013 at 5:49am 0 Comments 0 Likes
Posted by Aria Littlhous on September 12, 2013 at 7:29pm 0 Comments 0 Likes
Posted by Kevin Parcell on September 11, 2013 at 12:56pm 0 Comments 0 Likes
by Brian E Shumsky Added November 27, 2012 at 11:36pm
by Ben Roberts Added July 10, 2012 at 5:54pm
by Cheryl Honey Added July 3, 2012 at 12:03pm 4 Comments
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I have been a fan for so many years! I remember your book signings and the look like Sylvia contests and I love your book with me on the cover (mirror mirror…)Today at 1:00p.m. Eastern Time , noon Chicago time, we are having an international phone conference on women in the Occupy movement. Please go to the following websites, y’all, (that means readers too!!!) and check this out!
Subject: an invitation