So many terrific and provocative pieces are being written and recorded about #Occupy.  Please Use this discussion to post your favorites.  We can then convene conversations around specific ones that spark general interest, both here in the Occupy Cafe Forum and during our Cafe Calls.

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Here's a powerful blog post on Occupy and the corrupt politics that are supporting the poisoning of our water via the tar sands industry, courtesy of activist Bud Wilson.  An excerpt:

We know this to be true, individuals engaged in social change and evolutionary movements must know they are not alone.  Advocates of change must also believe that proposed solutions have a good chance of succeeding. In spite of the corporate manipulation of our elected officials and their nearly complete control of our regulatory agencies, we must remember, there remains great strength in numbers. Only we can restore integrity and settle for nothing less than ethical behavior, based upon principles of justice, spiritual awareness and ecological sustainability.  I’ve said it before, we deserve the government we allow. For me, this is at the heart of the Occupy Movement.

Walt Roberts at Occupy 2.0 on Facebook just posted this excellent video on the heart of Occupy (don't be fooled by the Portland framing!):


Why Occupy Portland? from Softbox on Vimeo.

Here is a documentary that i feel anyone involved or interested in Occupy would benefit from. Many of you may have seen it already.

The Corporation

New article by Charles Eisenstein entitled "Where Next for Occupy?" here:

“President Obama Just Stated That He Can Have ANY American Citizen Killed!” Jonathon Turley . Constitutional law expert on CSPAN

Jonathan Turley (George Washington University Law School Professor) talks about his recent Washington Post piece looking at the issues of surveillance and privacy and U.S. citizens' loss of privacy protections. He responded to telephone calls and electronic communications.

see the 16 minute point.

Really discouraging...

Two months ago the little known St. Petersburg (Russia) rock group RabFak came out with a searing, hysterical, and shocking anti-Putin song, Our Nuthouse Votes for Putin. (Note: the video is NSFW in parts; I make the choice of posting this kind of link here because I think the core message captures our global zeitgeist impeccably.

This song has particular resonance for me as I lived for ten years in Russia, was witness to the USSR's collapse...

The song has had such an effect that it may be in the running in the annual Eurovision contest.

I wonder if this song may serve as a source of inspiration for the US Occupy movement to put out a "Our Nuthouse Votes for Obama?" 

As one American friend pointed out, perhaps we Americans are even nuttier than Russians if most of us still believe we have a democracy?!

Some laughter can be therapeutic!

This is an interesting item.   Carne Ross being interviewed by Bill Moyers.  Bill Moyers' only other guest that evening was Paul Volker.

Carne Ross is the founder of Independent Diplomat in New York City, and is very involved with Occupy.    --- also has clip from the Colbert Report


-Mark Anthony




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Regular Calls are no longer being held.  Below is the schedule that was maintained from the Fall of 2011 through Jan 10, 2013.

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Sep 20, 2012
Clay Forsberg is now a member of Occupy Cafe
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When a Leadership Ecology occurs, a web of relationships emerges revealing each person’s authentic leadership qualities through the transfer of their power to others. When done in a conscious way – a shared collaborative awakening happens.See More
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Vic Desotelle posted a blog post
Feb 3, 2012


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