I think that your idea has merit, but how can one go door to door calling on small businesses without a clearly defined economic alternative to hold as a vision?  Or did I miss something?

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Yes.  In a moneyless world, time could be an effective currency.  This asks each to contribute to society - in whatever role - and benefits are earned in that way.  I was thinking something like - If i work at the local grocery story, or as the manager of an electric plant (using whatever talents I have), I would get credits for the work that I did.  I could then trade those credits for other goods and services. 

I happen to like running water, electricity, and central heat, so I would probably choose to sell my time to my society for the benefit of these things.  But my time has as much value as your time.  And your choices are also valid.  You may prefer a more simple life, and this allows you the right to make that choice.  No one would "force" you to work.

Gail, A localised economy though it may support an alternative currency , does not mean that is must be based on one. For example the model of a people-centered local economy does not make one mandatory.

Time is an alternate currency, as is energy and in the shared asset approach advocated by Chris Cook, the proposed currency is the energy unit, as this presentation illustrates..   

The operating model for People-Centered Economic Development is a software business which invests in social objectivesrather than distributing profit to shareholders. This kind of business is more than approachable.  

In this discussion with Chris Cook from a few years back, we talk about the concept of a Guarantee Society in which a credit union has a role as well as a dual currency barter systerm. 


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