Broadening Our Perspectives Regarding the "Evil" Actions on Wall Street

If we are to move in a direction of transformation rather elimination, it is important that we come to a deeper understanding of why and how corporate society operates. This research article on why managers lie is a good example.



Views: 98

Comment by Gary Horvitz on December 1, 2011 at 6:05pm

This entire study is like "Duh!" A hyper-rational (viz. academic) perspective looking for a definition of rationality. Didn't it ever occur to them to look at psychology or morality or ....even pholosophy? (oops. too irrational)  I mean, really...."bounded rationality"= "short-term gain," or maybe "sociopathy," perhaps even....yes...... based on the myth of separation. What else drives us to eat up the earth (overstate earnings) as if it will last forever. And then, when the oil/soil/ice/plankton disappears, "sorry. who could have predicted that?"

Comment by David Eggleton on December 1, 2011 at 6:20pm

"If we are to move in a direction of transformation rather elimination, it is important that we come to a deeper understanding of why and how corporate society operates."

I guess it all depends on what is transformed when.  In late August, Tropical storm Irene so transformed terrain in Vermont that entire properties vanished, leaving owners with meaningless titles.  In other words, properties were incidentally eliminated.  That could happen to corporate society, even if we mean to be nice.

Comment by Vic Desotelle on December 16, 2011 at 11:31pm

These men get here through smarts. Yet, intelligence gives too much value to their amazing feats without a deeper  understanding of their doings to 'stand' on. Compassion means 'with passion', or to share each other's pasions. But what if these men (mostly men) don't have the capacity for this level of compassion - I mean they really don't know what they do, they don't care, and for sure don't get why they even should care. .... PAUSE ... As my anger rises about all this, I hear a little voice inside saying: In order to transform, move from a place of thinking "those idiots!", to an understanding of them and why they do it - stupid as it may seem. And then find ways to hold them in grace ... MORE PAUSE ... as we blow those mother fuckers into oblivion! ;)


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