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        AFGJ Presents...Tear Down the Walls National Gathering for Global Justice


You are invited to join the Alliance For Global Justice in Tucson for the Tear Down The Walls National Gathering to strategize and network together to build a more unified movement for transformational change in the US. Check out the video:

The Tear Down the Walls National Gathering is hoping that 50-100 people will make the journey from Cascadia at the beginning of the rainy season to sunny and warm Tucson, November 1-3. We're setting up a travel fund for those who can't afford it to make it accessible to those with the heart and the time. 

Donate Now

There are so many Walls to Tear Down...

Walls made by War, Imperialism, Oppression, Homophobia, Racism, Militarized Border Walls, Wall Street, Walls to Citizenship, Housing, Education, Walls to Economic Equality and the Walls between us, which weaken our collective movement.

Please join us, November 1st- 3rd in Tucson Arizona to Tear Down the Walls! Learn more, and please share this with your friends and colleagues.

Help us get the word out!  

Follow Tear Down the Walls on Social Media, and have your organization share our posts, to help build awareness about Tear Down the Walls National Gathering!

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All Souls Procession Weekend.

Unsure? How about checking out this video that shows a small sliver of the epic community gathering of over 20,000 people in Tucson that finishes off the conference on Sunday evening November 3rd

People's Power Assemblies

The purpose of the Tear Down the Walls National Gathering is to create spaces for cross-movement strategies and networking. We want this to be an action oriented conference that will create substantial progress toward building a stronger, more unified movement for transformational change in the US.

To that end we are incorporating six  2 and a 1/2 hour People’s Power Assemblies throughout the weekend which are designed to produce cross-movement strategies and at least one [inter]nationally coordinated day of local action that all the groups involved agree to build together.

Topics for People’s Power Assemblies

  1. US Imperialism and Anti-Militarism
  2. Drug War and Drug War Prisoners
  3. Immigration and Border Militarization
  4. Economic Justice
  5. Ecology and Empire
  6. Anti-Repression and Prison-Industrial Complex

*We recognize that there is substantial overlap even among these six issues. Capitalism with its need to create mechanisms for criminalization and social control is an even deeper root than these six cross-movement issues.

Logistical Details

Organize: After registering on the website, contact Bruce and let him know how you plan on traveling.

When: November 1st-3rd

Where: Tucson Convention Center in Tucson, Arizona.                                 Registration is now open:  Click here to Register

Camping, Homestays, and Group Rates in local hotels will be available. Initial Info can be found here.

Now Accepting Workshops!

Workshops have started to come in... with many more in the works!  

What could you teach or facilitate?

Register your workshop here: Click here to register a workshop

Help Organize!

A call to activists who are interested in helping us to organize Tear Down the Walls! If you would like to help organize, please for more information.

Seeking Travel Coordinators!

We are still seeking local travel coordinators for many cities around the United States. Being a travel coordinator (for groups of at least 10) entitles you to free registration and meals. Please contact for more information.

Please forward this message with your organization and colleagues.

Let's get the word out: Tear Down the Walls!

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Like the work AFGJ is doing? Please support us today.

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