"Keystone Pipeline" STOP IT 2012 Election Cycle

Friends of Occupy Everywhere,

We are on our OWN in regards to the "illusion of political choice" in this mountain of American bullshit surrounding us.  I must need medication because I still have some romantic notion that American's actually care, when if fact, they don't even care about one another and the principle diet in their obesity is "Eat Each Other" in political horse shit going 24/7/365 in manufactured mass media that never ever honestly communicates about the real permanent human and business concerns in daily living.  Everyone is afraid of over turning the apple cart and be worse off then they already are?  What a shame?  When in fact stopping the denial not only saves them it actually serves every specie on the planet; like the Polar Bears.

I propose we Occupy Earth by confronting these two horse shit political populists artists with a demand to stop the Keystone Pipeline and any further "Drill Baby Drill" insanity of regressive fundamentalists Christians who think Jesus is a savior.  I say let's take over Exxon and stop buying their gas worldwide in the next week, and refuse to buy their gas until honest appreciative inquiry and dialog happens in regards to Climate Change.  Let's hit them where they can hear us in the pocketbook of the corporate plutocracy.  Take the initial Wall Street Complaint to Our Main Street everyday pro consuming power and bring home the reality that we are ready for change!  We are the change in our own powerlessness of the moment and capable of trusting one another in a manner of dignified solidarity to oil, dollars, and civil injustices. 

"Stopping Keystone Pipeline Elder Voice" is Marie Randall, Nation Woman, Lakota Great Great Grandmother, Linguistic Expert Teacher, and Roman Catholic is my dear friend.  Truly a remarkable woman who is like an energized Pink Bunny that refuses to give up until the Lakota get back up on their feet as a Nation.  At 92 years old this woman isn't leaving for camp up North in the Milky Way until she generates an awakening of the sovereign power of being Lakota and generating effective action in her community.  It's not a Lakota problem and the solution is our mutual liberation.  Romney's notion of energy independence is business~as~usual in the bullshit capitalistic elitism driving the world broke and simultaneously committing suicide on earth to whoever takes Climate Change as a scientific exploration of facts in our world today. Even if it is a hoax and only a 1% chance of being true, its still an emergent global crisis like a meteorite heading right at us.  Greenpeace recent declaration of a "Planetary Emergence" is no joke, the cap is gone by 2015, and there is no stopping the consequences we have caused.  You want the real joke in this 2012 election cycle read Rolling Stones politics "Climate Change Terrifying New Math" and "People Versus Goldman Sachs."

The public declaration to Kill Big Bird is the last straw and is scaring the muppets and children worldwide. Most poor people working two or more jobs depend on Big Bird to raise their kids. Indignation is good, healthy and awakens us to the fact that we actually accept this bullshit as entertainment and this Occupy Movement must be reignited worldwide in viral social networking. The Keystone Pipe Line is a perfect black hole in the center of the storm.  Plus we have a great-great grandmother on our side leading the charge!  I pray she is not alone and we stand together and STOP IT for Big Bird and Polar Bears specifically!

Thanks Mushin 

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