S17 New York City Schedule (not final)

8:30AM-10AM – Autonomous Actions, including

– No Fast Track for TPP! Actions at Congressional district offices

– Fast Food Workers Action-8:00am

-99% Solutions Press Conference-Zuccotti Park

11AM-Noon Zuccotti Feeder March **PLEASE note that their will be a assembly and speakouts in Zuccotti Park throughout the day)

12-1PM Union Square Rally on TPP, Global Solidarity, and Money Out of Politics

1-2PM march to Times Square

2-3PM Money Warz Street Theater & Rally @ Times Square

3-3:10PM March to Phillip Morris (42nd and Park)

3:10-3:20PM Philllip Morris protest (to protest the Obama administration selling out to big tobacco on TPP)

3:20-3:30PM March to Pfizer (42nd bet. 2nd and 3rd)

3:30-3:50PM Pfizer Protest (to protest Pfizer paying lobbyists to push for TPP to exapand intellectual property rules that will limit access to lifesaving generic drugs)

3:50-4:00PM March to Schumer and Gillibrand Office (3rd bet 48th and 49th)

4-5PM – Schumer/Gillibrand Fast Track Thank or Spank Rally

5:00PM March to and join Robin Hood Tax March (48th between 2nd and 1st)

6:00PM Moreland Commission on Corruption in Politics-Money Out of Politics Event (Consensus for action pending)

7PM Occupy Subway to Zuccotti

7:30PM City-Wide 99%Justice Assembly -focused on Community/Worker struggles (esp. issues facing communities of color, working class and poor) including Stop & Frisk, Mass Incarceration –Coordinated by Occuevolve (OWS)



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