I find it helpful to notice how our voices, hearing another's voice- actually impact how we view our experience of 'what is happening' in each interaction, conversation. To whom- rather, with whom are we conversing? It is good to recognize these questions and explore them deeply.

Each interaction mirrors our individual and collective, personal relationships to our collective and individual sense(s) of God on Earth, walking around. Faith is the first step; we believe that it is reasonable to be sharing this world with others, while at the same time, recognizing not only our personal needs and desires, but also the demands being issued from our shared experience of reality, It may seem important to notice these demands, even as we might not always be willing to meet them. .Sometimes we may feel we have a lot to say, and yet we don't feel we are being heard. We call out for a ground to stand on.We are never quite sure what we are doing, what is going on, why we are saying what we are saying. Perhaps we feel it needs to be said. The prayer itself is the solution. This may seem confusing at first, but the certainty we are trying to capture is in the prayer itself. It is a movement,

The habit of human verbalization can be limiting to true communication, which is really a movement toward Oneness, the expression of 'being together'. You don't 'be' 'at' someone, so again, language can be confusing sometimes.

Prayer is reflected in every human experience. There is the very basic world prayer, the prayer signified by hunger, the body. The answer to this prayer is fulfillment, satisfaction. Then comes the prayer of inquiry, demonstrated in exploration and curiosity, the mind. The third prayer is love, the prayer of intention, the heart. The prayer itself is the prayer of Spirit, the reflection of God's offer, the asking and the gift. This prayer is the total prayer, the prayer of life. Within that, our personal desires, personal prayers, already there, the prayers of our personal humanity, very specifc.

It should be better. Acknowledging this prayer is allowed to be helpful and enjoyed.

This way, every part of human experience can be either about the prayer for Return, the integration of human life, into the context, which created it, or the prayer of Thanksgiving, signified by for example, The Eucharist, and every aspect of human life becomes the vehicle of the Voice that sings back the prayer. When we speak, it's like a mini version of God snowing. And, with that, I offer this prayer. To Whom. Swaha.

Views: 68

Comment by Jitendra Darling on April 1, 2012 at 1:04pm

This is one of the most profoundly beautiful pieces of prose I've absorbed in recent memory.  I have tears in my eyes, literally.   I don't really have words as they would simply tangle what is neatly and elegantly unraveled.  For now, I'll say, "Thank you, Shikha."

Comment by Ben Roberts on April 1, 2012 at 2:34pm

Yes Shikha, thank you.  Its great to hear your Voice!

Comment by Shikha on April 2, 2012 at 5:21am

Yes, you're welcome, Ben, Jitendra, thanks to you both. When it comes down to it, the power of experience is really unspeakable, isn't it?


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