Event Details

Occupy Decentrale

Time: September 17, 2015 to September 18, 2015
Location: Open Zoom Videoconferencing Room
Website or Map: http://decentralisenow.org/ga…
Event Type: virtual, hangout, and, gift circles
Organized By: Ben Roberts and Chris Zumbrunn
Latest Activity: Sep 18, 2015

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Event Description

A multi-day gathering in recognition of the fourth anniversary of the start of Occupy Wall Street, in partnership with the Decentrale project in Mont Soleil, Switzerland.

If you can, please post a comment to let us know when you plan to come, or just drop in any time.

We'll be hanging out ALL DAY, sharing stories, and looking for ways to support one another via one hour "gift circles:"

  • Thursday at 8am and 12:30pm US Eastern (12 and 4:30pm UTC)
  • Friday at 10am and 4pm US Eastern (2 and 8pm UTC)

Join from PC, Mac, iOS or Android: https://zoom.us/j/375432488

Or join by phone:

+1 415 762 9988 (US Toll) or +1 646 568 7788 (US Toll)

Meeting ID: 375 432 488

International numbers available: https://zoom.us/zoomconference?m=PerRKu66h8o7827kMf1-TGmc_M9ohwO1

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Comment by Ben Roberts on September 18, 2015 at 9:51am

Getting started shortly with the next Gift Circle

Comment by Deborah Hart Yemm on September 17, 2015 at 10:23am

Oh, reading your earlier comment, Ben - maybe your 11:30 am is the "gift circle" whatever that is or the " additional hour prior to".  Does that mean that the call/online space opens ahead of time ?

Comment by Deborah Hart Yemm on September 17, 2015 at 10:21am

Hmmm, I thought it was 12:30pm Eastern for the second round today.  Hoping to join in around 11:30am CDT today.

BTW, Ben - great way to celebrate your birthday.  May it prove to be everything you could ever wish for.

I've posted this event at A New Gaia on Ning - both in our #OccupyNow and in our Event notices. 

Comment by Ben Roberts on September 17, 2015 at 9:48am

Got off to a nice start this morning with a bunch of the people at La Decentrale, and four others that "beamed in" along with me. Back at 11:30am Eastern for another couple of hours. Then again tomorrow.

Comment by Ben Roberts on September 17, 2015 at 7:14am

I'm here on Zoom with the Decentrale gang in Switzerland, now through 10am Eastern/2pm UTC, and again from 11:30-1:30. Please join me. We'll be doing two gift circles, as well as sharing stories, hanging out, etc.

Comment by Ben Roberts on September 17, 2015 at 3:30am

Hey Steve and Deborah! Nice to hear from you both. Today, I'll be on for the two gift circles and for an additional hour prior to reach one. Tomorrow, I plan to be on for most of the day (US Eastern time) except for a 1-3pm call I will have to take.

Can't say who else will show up, or when, at this point.

And yes, Chris, the room is yours all weekend as well.
Comment by Steve G. Barnes on September 16, 2015 at 2:43pm

Hi Ben. Nice to see this happening. I really appreciated the Café calls. I have been busy working with others on part of the development of independent media, citizen media and the new journalism. Mostly with Democracy Watch Media shows and podcasts. I have some time to participate this Thursday and Friday and wonder if there is any likely time that others who are engaged in my interests might be on?

Comment by Chris Zumbrunn on September 16, 2015 at 2:24pm

Actually, if it turns out to be possible and if that is fine with you Ben as well, we'll try to make use of the same Zoom room throughout the weekend, providing anybody interested with a stream *and* an opportunity to interact with what is going on at the Decentrale. 

Comment by Deborah Hart Yemm on September 16, 2015 at 9:35am

Nice to hear from you again, Ben.

I'll try to check in at some point.

Comment by Ben Roberts on September 15, 2015 at 9:07pm

Of course, Ellen! Sorry if what I wrote wasn't clear. Anarchism emerged as a separate political movement from Marxism in the 19th century, in St. Imiere, Switzerland. And that is where La Decentrale--the in-person gathering we are partnering with-- is located. 


Attending (6)

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Regular Calls are no longer being held.  Below is the schedule that was maintained from the Fall of 2011 through Jan 10, 2013.

"Vital Conversations" 

8-10a PDT | 11a-1p EDT | 3-5p GMT 

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1-3p PDT | 4-6p EDT | 8-10p GMT

"Occupy Heart" 

3-5p PDT | 6-8p EDT | 10p-12a GMT

Latest Activity

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Sep 20, 2012
Clay Forsberg is now a member of Occupy Cafe
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When a Leadership Ecology occurs, a web of relationships emerges revealing each person’s authentic leadership qualities through the transfer of their power to others. When done in a conscious way – a shared collaborative awakening happens.See More
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Vic Desotelle posted a blog post
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