Please use this thread to post on anything that struck you about the conversations you had in small groups during a Cafe Call that were focused on a particular question.  

This "harvest" allows us to collectively make meaning of our conversations and to bring the insights, patterns and deeper questions that emerge into our next round of dialogue.

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Golden nuggests from our chat on question #3: What question, if answered, could make the most difference to the OWS movement?

- what are the issues that are most significant to the most people in this movement?

- talked about whether it is answers to the questions we need, or just really, really wicked questions; importance of identifying and giving form to the problem before diving into the solutions.

- it is also important to look at the question: "Why are things the way they are?" so, there's an important piece around analysis of the context and root of the issues

- "What are the accupuncture points of this movement that will crack open broader and deeper participation?" Talked about an accupuncture point being a gateway in which energy can flow in.

- We create an accupuncture point when we do something with intention and create more connections, opening conversations between different parts of the movement.

We don't want to have too much conversation about planning and designing (the planning meeting to plan the meeting to plan the meeting). We don't want to get to disconnected fromt he ground and the engagement with what is really going on. (balance between talking about collaboration and really doing collaboration!)

- There's something VERY important about rediscovering our HUMAN VALUE. Hard to find value in the external if we can't find value in ourselves. How can the movement help us rediscover our human value?



So glad this question was taken up (it was my favorite on today's menu) and that you harvested some powerful insights from your conversation, Aerin!

can i play? no.


How do we get to where we can trust one another again?

How many ways are we dependant on systems to carry us forward?

Assuming that local and regional economies are the future, which if any of the global systems of production and distribution are worth preserving?

How can we allow economic ineffciencies so that our new systems can flurish?

Clusters of questions for engaging inquiry: Qs for the choir, Qs for the not engaged, Qs for local and regional change agents.

what did you want to do when you didn't have the time to do it?


Resources shared: Tranistion Towns, Family Dinner Project, Resiliency Circles, Right Questions Project, Permaculture.

We mentioned also haveing a resources for the unemployeed area.



Questions we discussed that would move the OWS movement forward if answered were:

How do we get to where we can trust one another?

Assuming that local and regional economies are the futrue, which if any of the global systems of production and distribution are worth preserving?

Do you feel more or less optomistic about your future than your parents when they were of the same age?

What did you want to do when you didn't have the time to do it?

What needs are there in your community?

How do we build common ground between common and uncommon people?

How many ways are we interdependant on one another or on systems which we have no say in?







One other question was how do we encourage an entrepreneurial spirit in rebuilding the economy?



From the second round .... here were a few questions that emerged. (not all of these questions respond to the question: What question, if answered, could make the most difference to the OWS movement?)

Who are we as a movement?

What is important to us? (this also came up at the beginning of last week's conversation)

How do we leverage the energy in the Occupy movements?

How do we make the movement attractive to ppl concerned about democracy but don't see themselves as "activists"?

Will this movement fizzle out?

Might the Occupy movement endure long enough to affect next year's elections?

What will it look like if we've been successful in this movement?

How can this movement evolve? (related to the question: How do we marry this open, process-oriented action with the need for fast-moving, agile decision making and leadership?)

How is this going to work?

Thanks all for a great conversation again this week!


Thank you for this harvest and this great question: What is the Occupy movement to you and why do you care? We used it as conversation starter to connect to Occupy Berlin this evening:

That's actually really cool, Lauren. I've been really holding this question about the winter months, if people can hack it out in the elements. I am also very interested in the roll of the homeless communities in this movement. I know that at times they have been a disruptive force and presented some challenging situations. I think that this is a really interesting question. How do we react to disruption in our movments, both individually and collectively? I think that disruptions are even starting to arise here in this space.


thank you for sharing


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1-3p PDT | 4-6p EDT | 8-10p GMT

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3-5p PDT | 6-8p EDT | 10p-12a GMT

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