We began exploring the New Economy meme together from the moment Occupy Cafe "opened" last October.  In that short time, this decades-old idea has begun to develop rapidly in the public consciousness, to the point where it is now being spoken of as "a movement."

Futurist Barbara Marx Hubbard suggests that new ways of organizing every sector of human society are emerging simultaneously all around us.  Yet this "Shift" is still not apparent to the majority of humanity, or even to many who are bringing it forth, because it is a systemic transformation that requires a global perspective to be appreciated fully.

Part of our task together is to tell one another our personal pieces of this story, so that we can collectively "re-envision prosperity" as something that is not just theoretically available to us all, but actually at our fingertips in this very moment.  

  • Are you helping to tell this story of opportunity and possibility? 
  • What would it take for you to become the most powerful possible agent in this shift in consciousness?

Offer your thoughts below, and please join us for our Cafe Call as well.

Monday 6/4 Vital Conversation

8-10a PDT | 11a-1p EDT | 3-5p GMT

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A GroupWorks card to inspire our conversation today:

Yes! This is what is happening now for sure!

How can I be the most powerful change agent?

Four Quadrant - Individual to Group -- Internal to External

Abundance: The Future is Better Than You Think

This YouTube video is a great start...http://youtu.be/hmSzqMLA670

http://www.zurker.com/ is a new user-owned social network in which users can either buy or earn (by recruiting new participants) shares in the network, which will go private when 1 million shares have been given out.  It is currently only by invitation, so there's not much of a site available until you get invited.

How does one go about getting an invitation?

Scribing of final harvest...

  • I want to become President of the US!
  • transform linear/dualistic notion of paradox between self and universe and move into a world where everyone gets to be president and be conscious of that.  a deep awareness of being autopoetic, with simplicity intersecting complexity--can occur.  starts and ends in my human relations, personally gathering trust in one another.
  • "we are all connected/spiritually one" etc. awareness is the thing that contributes to the Cultural Creatives perspective.  OTHER gps might resonate more with this question: "are your really happy?"  enlightened self-interest going inward.  Vicki Robin "Your Money of Your Life?"
  • change from happiness being seems as based on accruing stuff/wealth into something that is more communally focused.  From me to we.  Need opportunities for people to actively physically participate in that experience of communal connection and happiness through hard work together.
  • Entrainment--not everyone has to do the same work.We can cause instant jumps for others to new higher frequencies by virtue of our own actions.
  • notice the ongoing tension and dance between process with form and structure; need to increase ability/capacity to expand individual self awareness in order to encompass both inner and outer dualities/extremes .  Need respect and understanding of value all polarities/positions/roles as the basis for new economy.

Let's Talk: Our New Economy is an initiative in Eugene, OR being funded via IndieGoGo.  Please help them out!

And here is our ongoing thread in the Alternative Economy group here on Occupy Cafe.org about convening multiple face-to-face conversations about the New Economy and linking them together as one global dialogue as well, with Occupy Cafe as the hub.

Here is another great YouTube video about sacred economics...


Weekly Cafe Calls

Regular Calls are no longer being held.  Below is the schedule that was maintained from the Fall of 2011 through Jan 10, 2013.

"Vital Conversations" 

8-10a PDT | 11a-1p EDT | 3-5p GMT 

Tuesdays (except 10/16)
"Connect 2012"

1-3p PDT | 4-6p EDT | 8-10p GMT

"Occupy Heart" 

3-5p PDT | 6-8p EDT | 10p-12a GMT

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