An open space for global conversation
We continue our C2012 focus on Occupy Cafe itself with this
Our inquiry is around ways that Occupy Cafe can evolve to better serve and expand the movement and perhaps even to more fully embody our own brand of "Occupying."
We are continuing to collect answers to the following questions:
We invite you to share your answers here on our forum as one way of participating in this inquiry, and also to help us to find patterns and core insights in the responses.
You might also take a look at this list of possible topics that might serve as more specific areas of focus for the inquiry. If there are some that call more particularly to you, please share that as well.
Image from Ezra Magazine
This is a very powerful post that captures the impetus of Community Weaving. OC is a catalyst that awakens the human spirit to knowing we are the ones we've been waiting for. OC is an OS platform that serves as a "nexus for change" whereby connections are made and the "happenings" from those interconnections can be birthed into society to form a new reality. We banding together, opening our hearts and minds to "hearing" and "being' with" each other and our lives are being transformed.
I sense OC will eventually merge with other "happenings" such as cells clustering to form a living organism that is adaptive to change.
Much more to be revealed. How exciting and can hardly wait to see what magic happens and how lives will be transformed through the great turning.
We can discuss this particular possibility via this thread in the Alternative Economy group.
Inspiration for the 6/19 call,drawn at random from the GroupWorks deck:
I got excited about the concept of Occupy Cafe and organized a few in person events in Portland. I'd like to see on on- the ground event in Fall that is an Open Space Technology Conference.
I enjoy the substance and vibe (mostly) on Occupy Cafe online and have circled back around to plug in, in part because I need an alternative to FaceBook!
I would wish for more participation, community building and connection.
I would wish for removal of barriers to engagement
I wish for collective consciousness raising
Woot woot!
Regular Calls are no longer being held. Below is the schedule that was maintained from the Fall of 2011 through Jan 10, 2013.
"Vital Conversations"
8-10a PDT | 11a-1p EDT | 3-5p GMT
Tuesdays (except 10/16)
"Connect 2012"
1-3p PDT | 4-6p EDT | 8-10p GMT
Posted by Burl Hall on September 18, 2015 at 11:55am 0 Comments 1 Like
Posted by Richard Kreidler on September 15, 2015 at 10:09pm 1 Comment 0 Likes
Posted by Aria Littlhous on October 2, 2013 at 5:49am 0 Comments 0 Likes
Posted by Aria Littlhous on September 12, 2013 at 7:29pm 0 Comments 0 Likes
Posted by Kevin Parcell on September 11, 2013 at 12:56pm 0 Comments 0 Likes
by Brian E Shumsky Added November 27, 2012 at 11:36pm
by Ben Roberts Added July 10, 2012 at 5:54pm
by Cheryl Honey Added July 3, 2012 at 12:03pm 4 Comments
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