How often you ask,

What is my path?

What is my cure?

He has made you a seeker of Unity,

isn't that enough?

All your sorrow exists for one reason-

that you may end sorrow forever.

The desire to know your own soul

will end all other desires.

The smell of bread has reached you-

if that aroma fills you with delight

what need is there for bread?

If you have fallen in love,

that love is proof enough;

If you have not fallen in love,

what good is all your proof?

Can't you see?-

If you are not the King

what meaning is there

in a kingly entourage?

If the beautiful one is not inside you

what is that light

hidden under your cloak?

From a distance you tremble with fear-

Can't you see the mighty warrior

standing ready in your heart?

The fire of his eyes

has burned away every veil,

So why do you remain behind the curtain,

scared of what you cannot see? -

Open your eyes!  The Beloved is staring you right in the face!

If a master has not placed

His light in your heart,

What joy can you find in this world?-

every flower is lifeless,

and sweet wine has no taste.


(A Garden Beyond Paradise: The Mystical Poetry of Rumi, versions by Jonathan Star)

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As I thought at this late hour, surely nothing is left... here comes new delight... and teaching, and comfort again from my dear Master, Rumi across time.

Thank you for posting, Cainan.


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