Kirk Gardner is one of the most spiritual people I know and has been my mentor for nearly 14 years.  Our organization is transitioning and I sense we are on the verge of a convergence with another happening/organization.  Ben and Jitendra your spirits and intentions are so in alignment with mine that I want to explore ways to merge our efforts and weave community among OccupyCafe members, as well as weave Good Neighbors into OccupyCafe to awaken them into their potential. We need to blend (mash-up) what exists to empower the people and expand the potential of our work in the world.  Mary Parker Follett talks about this in her book “The New State”.  She was a prophet of true democracy and the wrote about “The Creative Experience”.  We all have the “creator within” our beings. We need to foster conditions that enables the creator within to manifest into the world. That’s what I’ve devoted my whole life to. 

     There are seasons in growth cycles. I’ve been in a “hibernation period” for the past four years waiting patiently for a “happening” that would guide our next steps.  Kirk advised me to focus on Community Weaving the Occupy Movement.  I’ve attempted to connect with leaders connected to the Occupy movement to no avail.  Though OccupyCafe is young…there is limitless potential.  Your enthusiasm is an indicator that you are the ones we’ve been waiting for.  I don’t know where this journey leads, but I know I’m in good company if we are working together.

     I’m planning on participating on as many calls as possible.  I’ll spread the word among the Good Neighbors around the world to join the conversation. I too believe "Conversations that matter" are one of the highest forms of ACTION. I'd like to do a workshop to highlight benefits/outcomes of our collaboration at the national NCDD conference in October, 2012. 

     Let’s begin Community Weaving OccupyCafe and watch what magic happens to change lives and rekindle the spirit of community as we enter a time of the great turning.

 “We are the ones we’ve been waiting for” (Hopi Elders)

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