As I see it, WE the 99% live our lives based on concern for ME (our selves) and WE (our whole community, ultimately the global community).  In contrast, the 1% are focused only on themselves (their ME's).  I would like to see us explore what this might mean.  Does the core concept make sense?  And, if so, what can WE (each and all) do to bring it into being -- beginning with our occupation.

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Hi Bill. I think clarity in communication, and transparency are helpful first steps + For the sake of fairness, we might look into assurance that any member of the group has access to the same information. Whether that is established in the group as a whole, in small groups and then brought together, or whether each person is responsible for giving his/her perspective, comes after being clear all around about the circumstance or situation the perspective is within. if it is an 'outside' perspective, might be helpful to be clear about which ones are 'inside' perspectives, and come to some agreement about this. Also, to bear in mind, that not all of our occupations are to the same end, we may be protesting for different freedoms, specifically. but if there is a group for a particular way about spreading freedom, maybe it would be helpful to integrate other um occupation group...s into this. That would probably be my preference to not doing so. I think it is good, the different groups and group structures are beginning to be in contact with each other. This is very helpful, to me, as i see it. Anywayas, thank you for opening this topic :o) Blessings

Hi Bill ... this distinction is very interesting to me as it was an important topic in a workshop that we hosted last summer in Vermont called the Art of Hosting. I have to reflect back a little bit on some of the exercises that we worked with to explore the concept. I do remember an interesting breathing exercise that stayed with me for the entire gathering - when we breathe into the front of our heart we are breathing into the "ME" and when we breathe into the back of our heart we are breathing into the "WE". I know this is a subtle thing, and maybe not everyone's cup of tea (too wooo-wooo), but it really helped me understand the energy of the ME and the WE. I also recommend that you check out Carla Kimball's blog (a co-facilitator really working a lot with this idea):

Dear Aerin,

Thank you so much. I checked out your link, the first one, I think it's great! I intended to contact you simply to say 'Thank you' through there, but the email was to someone named Lizzie so I decided not to dabble in confusion. Thanks for the suggestions! Truly, they are so helpful, I trust. I don't know whether it would be my priority to make the decision about seeing it unless it was useful for well, Pia. I already trust. That's so cool! This is so great! Let me offer some 'Mike Check' information. We are changing the relationship.

I find this helpful. Jitendra is my Teacher of many years. He has said "ours is very much a bhakti practice". Here is a very direct link to the other half of my lineage: I find it the most personal connection. So, I'm interested in this: in a particularly invested way, though myself, personally, I am in Philadelphia, I have little to do with it.  If you would like to know about either of these, I would recommend those links. I am really invested in the time aspects of this being distinguished. One process as slowly as possible, one as quickly as possible. I really represent the nonviolent aspect of my perspective. ahimsa. So I trust we all support one another's preferences. Personally, I'd ask for honesty and transparency. That is most helpful to me for the sake of clarity, now that everyone I have invited through Jitendra, knows that I'm right about being able to trust me that I actually also do experience deep ly love personal on the me side of the plane, I'd love to request that the and, for you to know, Aerin, I already know. I like this a lot. Thank you.
I have some name suggestions, I hope it's not too off topic to include these names...also, was it Jim, or Ken or something in our organizer group that said I'll be right back.
forgiving the fight
in other response

well, I trust the protection in my group because it is based in Protection. I don't like the unnecessary fight at allI like sometimes Jews and Catholics, it's so weird, I don't care. True. Well, so maybe I don't know if well SK from Muktananda's lineage i have a class call with her on wednesday it is the helpful, but i don't like it tantrically exploring my zen. thanks. I appreciate the transparency. I don't mind being owned, in that way, trusting.I'm sorry.

you share a lineage


let me clarify? the slowly process-it is more important to me that it happen as slowly as possible, than the speed of the other one. really way way more. please. otherinvesting

i like thisnose. since there is not a particular topic there, i love you. right from my very personal heart grounded in this knowing no harm meaning forever. We share faith

nicely trusted. i believe you?

stop fighting mind

Thank you for this link to Carla's essay of gentle wisdom..

Most of us are not aware of how much "me" there is in both our speaking and our listening..even in our seeing what is right there in the moment...what an impediment that is to getting to the "me/we".

We all need a lot of coaching and facilitating by folk like you and your colleagues to make these "me" level changes that are so critical in us all .  Hopefully you can bring us some guidance on that here in Occupy Cafe. 



I share your view that "most of us are not aware of how much "me" there is in both our speaking and our listening."  As I see it, that focus on "me" is grounded in the worldview we grew up with, namely that I (me) are separate from everyone/everything else.  From within that worldview, it is virtually impossible for me to open up to my "we-ness."  And so I contribute to continuing our prevailing worldview of separateness.

Bill wrote: "WE the 99% live our lives based on concern for ME (our selves) and WE (our whole community, ultimately the global community).  In contrast, the 1% are focused only on themselves (their ME's)."

That's pretty much what I was getting at here with "I've come to think of #Occupy as recognition that values ran away from principles and as assertion that it's time for principles to take their proper place above values."

On reflection, I would like to modify my view of the core concept, namely WE are more than a collection of ME's (focussed only on our individual self-interest).  At the same time, WE are also a whole, global community  (whether we are conscious of it or not).  Jung referrred to that dimension of our being as our "collective unconscious."  Each of us can connect with that consciousness by "listening" to our intuition.   [I can't prove this to anyone else, but I am finding that that view of my reality seems to be working.   Has anyone else experienced this kind of "tuning in"?]

Hi Bill & all who are participating in this thread.

How we the 99% live our lives, the choices we make as "me" instead of "we and me" is truly the heart of this.

We have been partners in what has happened to us. 


 We individually have to change,.. a change our world. We are standing in the ruins of a decade of "me centered" personal debt accumulation, personal spending in excess of our means, personal spending that partners in and directly supports what we are now opposing , personal spending and consumption that is not in line with our values of organic, natural, local, fair trade.

It is the hub really of all the other themes and discussions we are having..

Just by occupying our own lives en masse, simultaneously  in complete alinement with what we say we believe in and want our world to be will bring about the world we say we want:

boycott bottled water..stop partnering in the rape and depeletion of our most precous common resource; stop feeding oil consumption with the generation of endless plastic bottles; stop choking our oceans and its creatures with miles of floating plastic; boycott all plastics 

Immediately cease all credit card purchases that cannot be paid in cash 100% when the bill comes.  Pay 125-150% of the minimum every month until all credit cards are on a cash basis--stop partnering with the big banks and our nations leaders in a non sustainable economy of consumerism

As Aerin says..Occupy your food and eat only fair trade and organic, as fresh and local as possible shop at farmers markets not supermarkets, join and help run food co-ops--stop partnering in the depletion of our soils the destruction of our envirnment..precious resources of the common ground by buying food grown with harmful chemicals.Assist the food supply of others..volunteer and donate to local food pantires, homeless shelters and soup kitchens.

Lets stop acquiring the latest techology gadgets and apps.donate all we would have spent on the porest and neediest in your own local community; instead of a vacation take the whole family to volunteer at habitat for the humanities

Let's collectively simulataneously, start spend less time in "me" centered activitie..smore time neighbor to neighbor in our own a stranger who is alone to chemo and sit with them..every endless list of way to help neighbor to neighbor; be a mentor at headstart 

Simulatneous changes in us, "the 99%",  can force the  course correction we seek.  We are the course correction we seek..if we choose to be

It's up to end the consumer economy in whose ruins we now all stand, we must radically change what we choose to consume and consume only what we can have without adding to debt..


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