Mom and Dad gave us two choices. No discussion about why,when and is there more.

Are the elite through their political and media outlets treating us like children and giving us the limited choices that our parents would when we were children? If so why are we allowing are so called servants to create our agenda/reality by using simple child psych. methods on us coupled with constantly repeating the agenda until we accept without question.  Let me make my point about the simple dead language acceptance when the phrase "There must be a political solution" is used what does it really mean? Are we assuming that some kind  dedicated servant is representing the public good will  engage in the proper path to resolution or will they take commands from their superiors to stalemate and stall to continue the current status. Who are the players and why are we always cut out of the details similar to our parents responding " You don't need to know its for your own good". the modern version being the Fed Mommy saying " Its a matter of National Security" no disclosure is forthcoming and if it does come out it will be in the form of blacked out paragraphs unreadable text. What is the solution?  In the first case the children grew up and no longer had to accept the limited choices of their parents. They were forced to accept the responsibility of adulthood with all the pitfalls and rewards. How does this translate to taking a new path with our fellow citizen servants who are suppose to represent the entire population according to our collective will and for the public good. The motivation for public service has to attract people who dedication is?  Fill in the blank. Not driven by greed,power,ego. I seek the answers just like the rest of us. Do I want a heartless computer executing programmed commands to oversee the entire system to stop our servants abuses,?  Your on your honor to engage in the proper action to help change what know to be wrong.. In each circumstance their is someone who has the ability to stop or disclose what they know to be against the will of the the American Public and its up to our jurors and judges to protect those who help shine the light on abuses and secrets that have been a plague on to this world..

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