Inquiries for today's conversation:

Round 1: What is your experience of your inner authority?

Round 2: What are the dilemmas and/ or opportunities surrounding authority within the movement or the wider world?

Round 3:  What new paradigms of shared authority can you see yourself flourishing in?

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In response to Ben's mention of co-intelligence, I'm sharing a link to the work of the Co-Intelligence Institute.

It's interesting to hear all the different perspectives about what Occupy is and the various ways people are engaging in Occupy.  Some of us call it a "movement" while others perceive it as an "opportunity" to leverage change. 

What is the underlying impetus for Occupy?  Are we "taking back" ? Are we "working with"?  Are we "doing our own thing" together?

Here is a link to a paper that may offer insight to "Community Organizing, Past, Present and Future."

Blind Justice gracing Occupy Cafe in the Rufus Jones Room

Great Books by

John Dryzek's “Difference Democracy: The Consciousness-Raising Group Against the Gentlemen’s Club.”

What are the dilemmas and/ or opportunities surrounding authority within the movement or the wider world?--

Dilemma--> language, folks comfort zones, habit, accepted obeisance --standards/beliefs that many have so internalized [defense mechanisms--rocking that boat!].  I knew that my request would be dismissed by many and the lack of need for the change denied or defended by others.  Strong women,  folks who label themselves as feminists do this. 

I had already written about this, don't know if its still posted here--sorry if it is a repeat.  When one refers to a group of mixed gender and uses "You Guys" what would be the male equivalent?   only one i have heard is calling a room of men--"You Ladies"  --only this was not generically supposed to slide off.  It was an insult!  as in--> you play like a lady--lets explore that--maybe can't hit, can't run,  not competitive, weaker, You could fill in some more, right?

I recognize that it is a shift,  but we finally got past the phrase, "no bigger than your thumb" ---even though women still get beaten regularly & think it is by a man who loves them. There are many phrases one can use that implies a grouping,  'the room', 'you folks', 'great people', 'my audience', --& many more.  I don't expect you to change,  I value your movement towards understanding just by reading this.  Thanks      In Solidarity  Kasha


I like gaias. As in the divine earth energy Gaia . It can refer to women, mixed groups or even just males and is an easy replacement


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