An open space for global conversation
Dear fellow occupiers,
Following up on the discussion this morning, I'd like to propose that we start a process to agree on a clear, forceful, subversive version of the vision we share but for which are still searching for language. I propose that it have four propositions, which are elaborated for all to see on the Roadmap pages on our website at Metta. Simply, these are the four that emerged for me during this morning's discussion:
Many of us are experimenting with versions of this story. I look forward to hearing your reactions, as we search around for a way to collect responses to the Roadmap.
For Peace and Freedom,
Michael Nagler
Hello Sea,
The operational details of the scheme are being worked out now. I may well be that the Cafe will serve that purpose: we're open to all ideas. And I like your other observations.
Hi Michael - Your bullets certainly capture the essence of the struggle ahead. Was wondering if you read my post on the forum for the discussion that took place on Monday. I have been working on and actually presenting ideas related to the concept of a New Story around Brian Swimme's "Journey of the Universe". So far it has been well received!!
I am fully aware that my focus on the importance of a New Story or New Myth to our global dilemma is limited to just ONE area of change that is needed (many others exist such as governance and the environment) but I feel strongly that this is a significant focus primarily because of the shift of large portions of humanity away from religion. The non-religious need a foundational belief system that is based on the knowledge that science is rapidly giving us.
Just curious as to whether this fits in as a component of the structures you are developing on your Roadmap web site??
By the way have you seen this site in regard to your 'All life is one' bullet:
Hi Richard,
I certainly agree that " The non-religious need a foundational belief system that is based on the knowledge that science is rapidly giving us." But I think we need to add that the wisdom traditions have given and are giving us a valuable complement. I wasn't sure what 'this' refers to in your penultimate sentence: in general the new story process is key to the Roadmap and a special interest of Metta Center. Oh, and thanks for the link: I hadn't seen it.
Sorry for the delay in replying!! I just watched your half-hour Roadmap video and your plan and intentions are certainly ambitious and hope your 3-year plan proves to be successful. I guess my focus at the moment is on testing the reaction of the public (via presentations) to the ideas associated with a modern day 'creation story' based on the advances made by science. I try to capture and present images and a storyline (some of which is based on the 'Journey of the Universe' documentary) that would inspire individuals to reflect on the BIG questions - who are we, how did we get here and what is my purpose for being here. So far the reactions I have received have been very positive.
I fully agree that the wisdom traditions will play a big role in the evolving New Story. I view those traditions as offering humanity a way of dealing with their 'internality', their personhood as you indicate, which is the purpose the traditions have always served when utilized in a humanistic fashion. The advances of science, in addition to revealing deep insights into our 'internality', are also giving us a deeper and broader understanding of our 'externality' which is where I am focusing my effort for now.
Obviously there is not a lot I can say in this short reply but I was wondering if we could have a chat on the phone to discuss and determine if there is a way for me to participate in your project from that perspective. From your video I see that you are trying to reach some consensus by the end of this year as to what the New Story content might be.
Thanks for listening!!
I'm sure we can find a way to talk. I'll be at the office (probably) this afternoon, 707-774-6299 and you can email me your phone nos. and good times to try. michael[at]
Today is not good but tomorrow is OK - sent you an email with my phone number!!
I was thinking more of civic direct nonviolent actions, having given up on politics myself -- but people are free to pursue that also if they see an opening. I was thinking more of things like the Pledge of Resistance against war in Iran, etc.
And yes, those discussions are starting, and we're looking for a way to facilitate them.
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