Link to "Collaborative Tablecloth" for today's call here (but please post NEW ideas to this forum discussion using "reply" below).

As we enter our fifth week of this inquiry, we have generated a great deal of dynamic thinking and conversation, culminating in last week's launch of a "mass-mobilized appreciative interview" process we plan to have cascade outwards through Occupy Cafe, the movement and the wider world.

This week, we pause a bit to reflect, harvest and synthesize once again.  Participants in our dialogue might want to start with the output from last week's interviews, which can be seen in the two attached spreadsheets (links below) and in the "Collaborative Tablecloth" we created during last week's call.  You might also review the discussion threads in the "Occupy 2.0" forum category for the previous rounds.

We start this round with these questions:

  • “If you had to have a sentence or phrase that captured what we want to inquire into, what might that be?”
  • What are ways of talking about the “new economy” in language which is accessible to all--so the new eclipses the old.  How about "an economy that works for all?"
  • What could we catalyze? What would the whole world resonate with? What declaration of possibility might we make?

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Replies to This Discussion

Table Cloth seems to be from the Charles' call.

Really?  The links take me to the ones for the two Occupy 2.0 calls.  Again, here they are:



Scribe  on 12/13: for Reese and Doreen's action-v-process discussion (having flipped sides)

Reese, in support of action: take off blinders and limit rightousness so that everyone sees the big picture

Doreen. in support of process: bring people together to see our role in it; process as a vehicle to iron out differences and help focus on support and alignment 

@Rob, Ellen: (re ecosystem) The laws of nature are part of English common law from King Alfred the Great.

@Peggy (re equality) Equality as a form of social justice can be described as equity; equity follows the law. Legislation at common law depends on sovereignty, NZ parliament does not have sovereign status. In Greek (not Roman/civil) democracy, sovereignty is embodied by the people.

POPCORN: (re feminine power): Feminine equality from the Etruscans is associated with the person, the term used to reduce legal status by severing the connection to the paternal line (capitis deminutio, Roman law). The piscean age has a feminine aspect, the aquarian age has a male aspect. Roman law is based on the law of the predator (from Nimrod).


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Regular Calls are no longer being held.  Below is the schedule that was maintained from the Fall of 2011 through Jan 10, 2013.

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8-10a PDT | 11a-1p EDT | 3-5p GMT 

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1-3p PDT | 4-6p EDT | 8-10p GMT

"Occupy Heart" 

3-5p PDT | 6-8p EDT | 10p-12a GMT

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