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Sufficiency in the dictionary is defined as having enough or adequate supply.  The idea of sufficiency came up a number of times during this past Monday's Vital Conversation call with Ben entitled, "A Leap of Faith".  It arose in response to people's challenge to having faith in our future, our ability to create a world that works for all—with enough for all. 

The feeling of not enough can be terrifying and paralyzing because it can challenge our most primal impulse to survive.  Without enough, we die.  And so, on the surface, sufficiency appears to rely simply on having enough.  Then we're OK.  Then we can trust and have faith. 

Sufficiency, however, runs much deeper.  It relies, foremost, on the experience of being enough. The experience of being enough arises from an inner satisfaction with one's self, a profound sense of being appreciated and valued, an inner security that relies on no outer condition or material wealth.  In this way, a "rich" person can be poor and a "poor" person can be wealthy.

Without sufficiency, one can acquire endlessly without attaining security or satisfaction.  There is no car, yacht or mansion that can fill the void left by a lack of self worth or love.  In the same way, some of the happiest people on our planet live with a small fraction of what we might consider livable.

I've personally lived through a wide range of the wealth spectrum.  I can say from first hand experience that financial wealth has little to do with sufficiency.  Some of my most challenging times occurred when I had an overflowing financial flow.  However, some of my most content times occurred when I had little material resource.  And I want you to know the reverse has been true.  I'm in no way advocating poverty.

You'll spend time entraining your nervous system to an inner connection with "enough".

Reflections for our journey into Occupy Heart

•  Describe a time when you felt closest to a feeling of sufficiency.

•  To what do you attribute your experience?

•  How might being internally sufficient influence your relationships with others?

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The media tells me and everyone around me that I am not quite sufficient without having possessions: expensive home, cars, flat screen TV.  The times when I have felt sufficient is when I have been around people who have had nothing.  

So, I did bot feel the pressure of having to measure up. I attribute this to the belief that I was ok and that i did not have to attain sufficiency.

I think that I would be more relaxed, take more risks if I was being internally sufficient.  I would reach out more with kindness because I would not be self absorbed with what others think.  I would act regardless of their thoughts about me.


Weekly Cafe Calls

Regular Calls are no longer being held.  Below is the schedule that was maintained from the Fall of 2011 through Jan 10, 2013.

"Vital Conversations" 

8-10a PDT | 11a-1p EDT | 3-5p GMT 

Tuesdays (except 10/16)
"Connect 2012"

1-3p PDT | 4-6p EDT | 8-10p GMT

"Occupy Heart" 

3-5p PDT | 6-8p EDT | 10p-12a GMT

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