"We are the 99%."  Powerful assumptions in this statement.  The first assumption is that there is a "We".  The second assumption is that this "We" includes 99% of humanity. 

12-2p PDT | 3-5p EDT | 7-9p GMT
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Just for now, let's set aside considerations of whether we ought to characterize ourselves as anything less than 100%.  After all, the true power of the 99% narrative lies in what it evokes in our imagination—an inexorable sense of "We"—the hope, the vision and the challenge of organizing ourselves into a unified and coherent movement for change that will actually work for all. 

Let's get metaphysical for a moment and start with the foundation of our self, an undifferentiated field of awareness that has no focalized "I"—a pure awareness of being without identity.  You're born and immediately take on the considerable task of understanding who you are in your body.  If you're blessed, you're fed and nurtured.  It's all about you, baby.  We transition to adolescence, hormones surge and you double up on your identity project.  Not only do you have you to worry about, there is a whole world of "others" to navigate.  We fall into the deep end of the pool to figure out out how to live and work with others in a way that doesn't revolve completely around yourself.  At some point, you may "fall in love" with someone you feel is worthy of the next level—We. 

Most of us appreciate the challenge, not to mention the confusion, of sorting oneself as an individual, navigating as an individual with another person of relatively different needs and, of course, navigating as a unit.  Now multiply that challenge by as many people as you care to imagine and we're ready for the party of our lives.  Or simply picture yourself in a diverse general assembly in downtown San Francisco or New York City or Chicago in the midst of this grand experiment.  Who might "We" be?

This call is dedicated exploring the fundamentals and the mystery of "We".

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Inspiration for today's conversation drawn at random from the GroupWorks deck:


Who are we and what question might we want to ask?

  • We are allowing and accepting of ourselves and others.  Are we trustable as a "we?"  Can we maintain our uniqueness in our discernment and still be connected in compassion and empathy to the whole, and let that influence our discerning.
  • Why are we here? What is our purpose?  What do we do with our consciousness?  Christ consciousness--we are here to feed, cloth and heal the world.
  • Crucifixion: satisfied our bloodlust, so the water of life can flow without that destructive impulse.  We can't handle the pain and wound that is God.  We're mad... Why isn't everything joyful and perfect?  An indignation more than a question.
  • Why do we have such problems?  Asked son why he liked violent video games?  His answer: what fun would it be chasing butterflies?  We need trouble because there's no story without it.  Needed for our growth and learning.  Question to ask of us now: what can I bring back from my travels to eco-villages in Europe to engage students back home?
  • We are a howl of pain.  How do we clear this, so we can live in joy?  Why can't we be happy chasing butterflies?  We must acknowledge in deep listening the pain of our world, especially that of the most marginalized.  We must see that we ARE the system we wish to replace. We must hold catastrophe in one hand while we forth "benestrophe" with the other.
  • How do we heal?  We need to hear what needs to be healed inside the oppressors as well as the oppressed.  Truth and Reconciliation.  See the humanity in all of us.
  • How might we love unconditionally?
  • How do we heal together, from this infection of greed and separateness?
  • Focus on the wholeness of it all, and on what is working.  Then what we don't like can recede and we can become accepting that they are a necessary part of things right now.
  • Getting in relationship with myself in my body, from the inside out, lets me see that what I see in the world is a direct mirror of that.
  • Loving with great compassion, vs. unconditionally.  When everything is taken into consideration, each of us is doing the very best they can including me.
  • We is us, right here right now on this call together!
  • We are the laws of the universe working on one another.  Laws of attraction, free will, being a mirror.  Don't take things personally.  Life is a sandbox in which we get to play.
  • Questions for #NatGat: What is the most constructive thing we can do with our anger?  How can we help the world to hear our pain?  What are we grateful for?
    • How might we express our love right now?
    • Remember the importance of eye contact.
    • Dance!  
  • We are an evolving species.  There is a lot on our side and supporting this rapid evolution.  Especially in this culture, we are lucky.  And we have many resources at our fingertips to make this Transition.
  • All we are is dust in the wind—as individuals, that is.  Collectively we have the unpredictable momentum and power of a dust storm...
  • We (oui) in French means "yes!"
  • Say "yes" to life.  What is life-giving?  There is strength in numbers.  Maybe "the 1%" fear this--they see the old systems being threatened.  Let us be the seed, not feed the greed.

What has emerged for you through this "Occupy We" today?

  • grateful that schools out so i can be on these calls!
  • what if conversation is for people as water is for fish? (Juanita Brown)
  • amazing to hear everyone.  all the different ingredients brought out for a mysterious stew--what will is all create?  something really scrumptious
  • Walk around making "I" contact.  pray for me as I go to my 50th HS reunion!
  • a layering that will work on me unconsciously
  • enough is enough is enough.  maybe it's negotiable.


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Regular Calls are no longer being held.  Below is the schedule that was maintained from the Fall of 2011 through Jan 10, 2013.

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