During the Occupy National Gathering in Philadelphia last week,  I explored what might be different now from past movements for change—and what might yet be needed.

12-2p PDT | 3-5p EDT | 7-9p GMT
Not in terms of content, specific initiatives or "problems" that need solving, but in terms of attitude, consciousness and quality of relationship within and among individuals, groups, societal structures and, no less than, the entire gestalt of life on Earth.

I listened to an array of impassioned talks and speeches from NatGat organizers and speakers, tuning in each time, to the response of the crowd.  I listened for signals and markers that might indicate how well we are progressing toward awakening a new paradigm of human relationship. 
I listened for tones of victimization vs. empowerment, hostility vs. understanding, rebelliousness vs. constructive inquiry.  All of these characteristics have their value, though some indicate more constructive possibility while others demonstrate old, failing strategies.

Explore to what degree are we individually and collectively occupying core change...and why it matters in order for #Occupy to be different from movements of the past...if, indeed, it is.
  1. Going inside yourself, connect with why #Occupy might be different from movements of the past?  
  2. What distinctions might allow this movement to be as different as we might believe or envision it to be?
  3. What might truly allow this movement to create a world that works for all? 
  4. What is present now?  
  5. What might yet be needed?

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  1. Going inside yourself, connect with why #Occupy might be different from movements of the past?  
  2. What distinctions might allow this movement to be as different as we might believe or envision it to be?
  3. What might truly allow this movement to create a world that works for all? 
  4. What is present now?  
  5. What might yet be needed?

-The demographic in our group all around or over 65; technology different; we're based i the head rather than the heart; no longer sure of a vision of how we can be for a whole planet; 

- good mind - encapsulated by painting by Norvel Moriseau (sp?) - see importance of sweat lodge, red road, birds...

-  talked about technology; majority of people talking are "old" (speaker is 71); looking a t how we've been; making the change toward 

-yearning for magnetism and home; deeper connection; effort to speak a language that is not just us and them; what's needed is connection-between groups and individuals; clarify connection internally so that we can go to next level

- is there any way to let more people know about OC so that these voices are heard; we have the capacity to reach so many more of us in an immediate way; need to learn to have power with rather than power over; dominance paradigm is dark force we're dealing with; see confrontations with police is from young/rebellious energy which creates 

-feel blessed to be connected to these small groups; see the difference to being in the and ling into the problem vs. living into the possibility; OC is part of a family that is working together for the greater good; lots of resources and needs available on the ground;

-frustrated with the 5-minute people-younger in age; felt not valued and not heard-folks would walk away while I shared; greater knowledge and experience with age merging with knowledge and energy of youth; emphasize values that come from heart rather than brain

-Combine and direct energy and wisdom; a lot of the wisdom may be in slowing down, not in doing things but in noticing we're all part of God's creation; want to step back but not finding the space to step back into

-Core issue is understanding the way the heart chakra is and works; most of us have come to the heart chakra has ice around it; try to envision the heart chakra as pink, the way the Tibetans see it; 

-Studying works of MG and MLK; Gandhi-my schedule is so busy I'm going to have to meditate 4 hours instead of 3; slowing down and tapping in to greater energy

Im a bit intolerant of people in general, as if i wasnt the same ten or twenty years ago, and still am.
Im going to go camping alone for a couple of months and become completely vegan, flush out the drinking, smoking, ganja and all my other petty meaningless habits. Because i've had enough of people like me

Sounds great, Tom.  Perhaps you'll come out the other side having done a great service to humanity—loving, honoring and respecting the unique brilliance and contribution that you are.  It may sound like a leap, but I hear from you, commitment and resolve to be different with yourself. 

If a growing fraction of our planet ongoingly followed your lead, we'd be where we want to be—tolerant, sustainable, just and perhaps experiencing more peace and joy than ever imagined.  Remember to hold kindness and strength with yourself in balanced measure.  Have an amazing journey.

"Marching Again"

1 2 3 4  what the hell am i marching for
I'm marching again and my feet hurt like hell
but i just can't sit still count up the kill and then pay for the bill
and so I'm marching again
and where is this war? ,who is it for? and how many more  will die?
i wore out my Keds for Korea ,my Adidas  gone over Nam
my Nike no like Gulf war number one
i lost my New Balance over Saddam
so what's it gonna take to give my poor feet a break?

Cool Old Dude, Toronto


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