Occupy Heart 9/20: One year later: What's changed for YOU?

Monday checked in on the status of #Occupy a year after its birth.  A more relevant inquiry might be, "What's changed for YOU since #Occupy ignited?"

3-5p PDT | 6-7p EDT | 10-12a GMT
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Though mainstream media seems committed to reporting #Occupy as an obituary, the pulse of #Occupy reported live from around the country indicates a healthy, thriving movement, albeit a bit less visible than a year ago.  People sounded resolute and focused on initiatives for which they find resonance—like getting money out of politics and advocating the integration of indigenous wisdom into contemporary life (and here).

How has the #Occupy phenomenon impacted your life? Personally, I wouldn't be writing this invitation to you right now.  We might never have "met". 

  • Describe some ways in which your thinking has been influenced, the focus of your attention been altered, since #Occupy was born.
  • How have your circles of connection to people been shifted? 
  • How has your emotional connection with the world changed or shifted since #Occupy was born?  


  • Imagine it's a year from now and the work you've done has created a visible and positive impact.  What ways has your emotional disposition and thinking shifted to create that impact?  

A secondary thought: As I searched for an appropriate picture, I landed on this old album cover of Dylan's "The TImes They Are A Changin'".  The thought that it might be a little dated flashed through my mind until I listened, for a countless time, to a song that could have been written tomorrow rather than it's original recording year of 1963. 50 (count 'em—for those of us for whom a count might be relevant;-))) years between then and now.  What has changed in 50 years?  What remains?  Where do we go from here and how? 

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Thank you Mark--I really like hearing that!  Your image of the jungle reminded me of this wonderful graphic members of Occupy Cafe collaboratively designed for our NatGat "landing:"

Before I read and respond to others I'll donate what happened to me on this call, which became my answer to the last question posed regarding the future.

my mind slipped into a dreamy state and I began to pour my story onto my phone partners, Jerry, Pamela and Deborah.  I won't quote the story but here's what happened in my future. 

My Story: I traveled from place to place around the world. As I entered groups and crowds, gatherings and meetings, outdoors, planes, banks, at US Congress, prisons, schools, military actions, religious gatherings, protests, riots, uprisings,  everywhere, people of all kinds, a very strange thing happened.  Upon my entering the commotion and noise of the crowd or group, each & every person became suddenly still.  And in the stillness weeping began, spreading to all... at times going to sobbing and wailing.  And it was everywhere.  And no one could be in this presence without becoming fully engaged, soaken.  There was no resistance left anywhere. 

And bliss was hidden deeply within wrenching regret as we touched, slowly gathering together arm-in-arm at the foothills of caring, compassion, generosity... now ready to make the climb.

I forgot to thank my call partners for their sensitivity and ensuing silence after my story, which was contemplative but also allowed for my own tears and inner learning.



Except for Mark E.'s most last statement that it's integrating the internal and the external that makes us whole... most all of what I've been reading in this thread seems external. 

Is it possible that I'm just not listening good enough to what is being said?  Yes. 

Is it possible that the inner journey & change are particularly challenging?  I don't know for others, but it is for me.

Is it intentional or automatic pilot to consider mainly external change?  I don't know. We're only human, no?

With regard to occupying physical space.   As a demonstration to ignite awareness and conversation, such as #Occupy has been wildly successful, occupying random public space has proven effective—for the short term.  For the long term, the dream to occupy physical space may be best interpreted as each person being called forth to occupy the one space to which each person has not only an inalienable right, but a duty to occupy—one's own physical being.

One of our fundamental next steps to new governance, new economy, new climate...name any new paradigm...it begins witn occupying our biological space.  I've watched this rEvoutionize the game for individuals for decades. Time to implement it en masse.


Weekly Cafe Calls

Regular Calls are no longer being held.  Below is the schedule that was maintained from the Fall of 2011 through Jan 10, 2013.

"Vital Conversations" 

8-10a PDT | 11a-1p EDT | 3-5p GMT 

Tuesdays (except 10/16)
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1-3p PDT | 4-6p EDT | 8-10p GMT

"Occupy Heart" 

3-5p PDT | 6-8p EDT | 10p-12a GMT

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