NOTE: We are currently creating a new time for an exclusively Open Space, Occupy Cafe call (without a conversation starter). 

Please use this thread to:

  1. Suggest a topic or question around which you would like to host a discussion on an "Open Space" call. IMPORTANT: if you wish to host a conversation, please be prepared to: 
    1. Show up on the call and join this conversation.  Let us know in your post below if you plan to offer this for the first or second of our 90 minute rounds, or both.
    2. Make sure that a harvest from your conversation, including insights that emerged and any action steps that were developed, is posted back to this discussion thread
    3. Invite people in your network to join the call and participate in their conversation
    4. Consider creating a Forum discussion so that the conversation can begin online before the call and continue there after it.  If you do so, be sure to link to it in your post here!
  2. Post any "harvesting" insights, comments, suggestions, action items, deeper questions, etc. that emerged for you out of the small group conversations you participated in during this call.  You might try this classic "World Cafe" harvest framing:
    1. What have you heard that had real meaning for you?
    2. What surprised you?
    3. What puzzled or challenged you?
    4. What question would you like to ask now?

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I'd like to speak about the shift in consciousness from I to WE.  It's 100% collective consciousness and I'd like to hear other peoples interpretation of what that exactly means to them.

Wonderful!  Please let us know your name, and also be sure that you are comfortable with the requests we make of Open Space hosts, as noted above and copied here as well:

IMPORTANT: if you wish to host a conversation, please be prepared to: 

  1. Show up on the call and join this conversation.  Let us know in your post below if you plan to offer this for the first or second of our 90 minute rounds, or both.
  2. Make sure that a harvest from your conversation, including insights that emerged and any action steps that were developed, is posted back to this discussion thread
  3. Invite people in your network to join the call and participate in their conversation
  4. Consider creating a Forum discussion so that the conversation can begin online before the call and continue there after it.  If you do so, be sure to link to it (I'm thinking you've already created a Forum discussion or posted a blog on this, yes?)


Ben Roberts

  1. Suggest a topic or question around which you would like to host a discussion in the "Open Space" area of this call. IMPORTANT: if you wish to host a conversation, please be prepared to: 
    1. Show up on the call and join this conversation.  Let us know in your post below if you plan to offer this for the first or second of our 90 minute rounds, or both.  What is the 2nd time?
    2. Make sure that a harvest from your conversation, including insights that emerged and any action steps that were developed, is posted back to this discussion thread
    3. Invite people in your network to join the call and participate in their conversation
    4. Consider creating a Forum discussion so that the conversation can begin online before the call and continue there after it.  If you do so, be sure to link to it in your post here!
  2. Post any "harvesting" insights, comments, suggestions, action items, deeper questions, etc. that emerged for you out of the small group conversations you participated in during this call.  You might try this classic "World Cafe" harvest framing:
    1. What have you heard that had real meaning for you?  100% collective consciousness
    2. What surprised you?  All religions, nationalities, political views agree in this collective consciousness
    3. What puzzled or challenged you? Nothing - It's a simple concept
    4. What question would you like to ask now?  Would you rather be right, or would you rather have peace?
Our call today is three hours long, from 11am-2pm EST, divided into two 90 minute rounds. The "second round" is from 12:30-2pm EST. Also, please also tell us your name. As for the harvesting, the idea is for everyone who participates in your conversation today to post their reflections AFTER the call. That said, since there has been a forum discussion on this already, some harvesting from that would also make sense, and can be used to seed the discussion you are about to host.

Have you invited the particpants in the forum thread to today's call? Others in your network?

Looking forward to this later today. Thanks again for stepping up!


I can be on the phone from 8 am to 8:50 a.m. and again from 1:30 to 2:00 PST. 

Join Occupy Global ( by signing the 3 petitions to promote 100% collective consciousness ( as a WE Party Peace Ambassador (volunteer online mentor) - See Deepak Chopra (
Arlan Berglas

We come together to a meeting to share thinking.  If those in the meeting do not contribute, the meeting is of little value.   As a procedure in meetings of under 15 people, I recommend the mic be passed around to each attendee at the meeting in order to solicit their comments.  The would have the option of saying "pass," but at least that minimum level of participation would be required.  That way the facilitators are not left to pass the mic back and forth to fill the void.


Weekly Cafe Calls

Regular Calls are no longer being held.  Below is the schedule that was maintained from the Fall of 2011 through Jan 10, 2013.

"Vital Conversations" 

8-10a PDT | 11a-1p EDT | 3-5p GMT 

Tuesdays (except 10/16)
"Connect 2012"

1-3p PDT | 4-6p EDT | 8-10p GMT

"Occupy Heart" 

3-5p PDT | 6-8p EDT | 10p-12a GMT

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