Potential Books to Carry at the World 5.0 Bookstore in Cincinnati


World 5.0 is the idea that we intend a cultural operating system based on ethics instead of the current system of globalization built by and for the 1% and based on the power of money. Here's a link to the website...

I've attached the PDF of the book, "World 5.0 - Healing Ourselves, Our Earth and Our Life Together" to this discussion. [If you don't find the link shoot me an email... jim@world5.org.] It breaks down the idea of World 5.0 in a number of contexts, speaking of who and where we are, this destination of a new ethical culture based on peace and love, and the process for getting there.

I decided to open the bookstore when I couldn't generate interest to carry the book from the main independent bookstore in Cincinnati [Joseph Beth], and a fellow Occupier offered me a deal on a little storefront on Main Street. Now we need to add more titles. Of course I'm not interested in dramas or novels, per se. We want titles that mirror the efforts of Occupy Cafe and World 5.0. If you have thoughts about titles to carry, please use the comments area below. 

Thanks a bunch!

peace and love
Jim Prues 

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Best of luck, Jim!  Here's a quick list.  You probably have some already.

Lester Brown: Plan B 4.0

David Gershon: Social Change 2.0

Peter Block's books, especially the last two (Community and The Abundant Community)

Michael Schuman: The Small-Mart Revolution

Meadows, Meadows and Randers: Limits to Growth

Thomas Greco: the End of Money and the Future of Civilization

Peggy Holman: Engaging Emergence

Charles Eisenstein: Sacred Economics

David Graeber-- Debt: the First 5000 Years

Paul Hawken: Blessed Unrest

Gus Speth: The Bridge at the Edge of the World

Jeremy Rifkin: The Empathic Civilization

Tim Jackson: Prosperity without Growth

France Moore Lappe: Ecomind and also Getting a Grip 2

Here's another one--

Stephen Belgin, co-author with Bernard Lietaer of the newly released New Money for A New World

Discussed here: http://www.elephantjournal.com/2011/09/business-and-environmental-l...

Buckminster Fuller:  Critical Path

Buckminster Fuller:  Grunch of Giants

Arnold Mindell: Sitting In The Fire

Sharif Abdullah: A World That Works For All

I'll continue this when I get back to my library


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