The 99% care about ourselves AND others.  The 1% tend to care only about themselves.  This site is intended to explore the possibility of our collaborating in moving toward a global community in which we each and all care about our whole community as well as about our individual selves.

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Hi Bill,

You might enjoy membership in this group on this site.

Looks good to me.  As I understand their posting, our views are highly aligned.

WE the people of Earth need to coordinateour efforts in a comprehensive set of actions, progams, and materials which are coordinated to serve the purpose of facilitating conscious, collaborative evolution.  More specifically this involves a shift in our prevailing worldview which will enable us to re-cognize that: 1) we human beings are members of a living system composed of all life on Earth and  2) our continued conscious evolution requires collaboration among all the various subsystens of our living Earth.

Peter Russell has said "If we are going to survive, we have to find ways to align our individual interests with the collective global interests...I think at the moment we are stuck in a very egocentric mode of consciousness.  If we don't develop inner awakening and love...then I think there's very little hope for us.  [From an interview reported in Towards a New Worldview: Conversations at the Leading Edge by Russell E. DeCarlo, p. 368)]

In our past , evolution has been guided by "survival of the fittest."  Generally this has meant each "being" in the world motivated and guided by pursuit of its own survival and its own SELF-interest (with little or no concern for the interests of other beings).

Of particular influence in the evolution of our global human system has been the emergence of corporations and governments (and the political systems which underlie them).


1)  For most corporations (in the U.S.) this has meant serving the purpose of "maximizing profit for STOCKHOLDERS" as required by the state-granted charters that give them life.  [In this connection, it is important to note that in some cases senior managers have subordinated that purpose to serving their own SELF-interests.  For example, the share of corporate income given to senior executives has increased substantially over the last ten years.

2) For governments, serving SELF-interest has meant serving what is perceived as their nation's interest (which is sometimes subordinated to the interests of powerful individuals and corporations).  [For example, the Bali conference on climate change involved the United States' representative asserting that "The United States will lead.  But leadership also requires others to fall in line and follow.]


It seems to me that Russell, in his own way, describes the following diagram's two paths.  Can anyone see what I see?

 Diagram from The 8th Habit by Stephen R. Covey (2004)

As I see it, Russell and the diagram from Covey's 8th habit are highly aligned. 

What is the 8th Habit.  I used to do workshops on the 7 Habits, but have lost track of what Covey has been doing.  It might be worth a new Discussion site. 

It is on the diagram:  Find your voice and inspire others to find theirs.  Voice = unique personal significance.

The book's title is, sadly (IMO), deceptive.  Rather than one more habit, the eighth is an upgrade of the original set of seven.  Anyone can read the newer book first.

Finding one's own voice and inspiring others to find theirs sounds good.  As I see it, ideally that will be balanced with finding our own ears and inspiring others to find theirs.  As I remember it, one of the 7 habits reflected this, that is "Seek first to understand."


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