So many terrific and provocative pieces are being written and recorded about #Occupy.  Please Use this discussion to post your favorites.  We can then convene conversations around specific ones that spark general interest, both here in the Occupy Cafe Forum and during our Cafe Calls.

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I just came across this little piece by Susan Szpakowski the director of the ALIA Institute and her husband, Mark. It's an interesting comparison between the practice of meditation and mindfulness and the movement. Particularly interesting is the metaphor of our societal mind being "hooked" or distracted by current political and economic systems.

So, here's a pretty amazing video that was passed along to me by my partner last week. He's the founder of a learning center called Universidad de la Tierra here in Oaxaca and we're both really interested in "alternatives to education". So, I see this action really as being a protest against a system that is clearly not working. While I am much more interested in the idea of building the new instead of begrudging the past ... but I think that both are probably necessary. I found this a pretty moving watch.

Here is a list of Process tools and organizing examples from the Real Democracy and OCCUPY movement in different languages. Please add your links: Best from Berlin, Frauke


We Are the 100%.

by a dharma practitioner in the Zen Peacemakers community.

The next two are not directly about Occupy, but I think they're important:

David Simon delivers the Frank Porter Graham lecture (context-setting- about why Occupy is happening/necessary)

Authentic Community by Robert Augustus Masters. A provocative article by an integrative psychotherapist on what it takes to create real community.


This is a great video of WI. Gov. Walker receiving a Mic Check by Occupy Chicago,,,creative, brave and effective...I hope we can repeat this action everywhere!


Gov. Scott Walker Gets a Mic Check by Occupy Chicago

sorry...just noticed it was already posted under Videos...I'm just learning here!

I highly recommend this book by John Perkins. It is an inside account of how corporatocracy has been devouring our world.

"Hoodwinked: An Economic Hit Man Reveals Why the Global Economy IMPLODED- And How To Fix It"

second that!! Perkins has been writing abot the 1% for a long time.

Met John Perkins yesterday at the new Pachamama Awakening the Dreamer symposium.  He was just off a 10 week global tour...reports feeling excited and optimistic...change occurring is is fundamental and's always pleasure and an honor to meet such a committed can also get a succinct download of what he's saying in his Democracy Now You Tube John Perkins, Economic Hit Man

A.J. McDonald, Jr.'s blog has links to a lot of materials, videos, and more questioning the whole Occupy Process.

Of particular interest are the videos:

Revolution Hijacked- Egypt

The Revolution Business

Interviews with OTPOR members, the organization behind the revolution in Serbia and many other countries.

To be clear, I don't know how to relate  to all this information, but as someone who was eyewitness to two revolutions, I'm a little wary of the Occupy Process as much as I am interested (and did participate heavily for a short stretch).




I agree that the Egyptian Revolution was hijacked and that American and EU officials had a hand in and sought the regime change without truly supporting the people who gathered in Tahir square .

And many are trying to marginalize the occupiers as lazy do nothings or woo woo drum beating wierdos or associate themselves with the 20212 elections in minds as speaking for and representing the 99%.

The underlying issue that brought those young people to Tahir square is essntially the same as what started #Occupy.  That addreses a addresses a universal injustice.  it's right and just to rise up against it point to it out..say what's happening.

Egypt is contuing with the same corrupt leaders in place, doing the same old thing..nothing has happened to bring relief or address the huge in equity that brought them out.  Isthata reson for them to be silent or for #Occupy to not speak out as well?





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