An open space for global conversation
Why are you here? Seriously! Yes, we know we asked you that once already when you joined Occupy Cafe. So if your profile answer is really juicy, by all means click "my page" above and cut and paste that sucker in over here to share it with the group.
On the other hand, if you're like most people and you were just so darned anxious to get into the Cafe that you quickly tossed off a sentence or two and left it at that, perhaps you might want to reflect more deeply on this question, as a way of building a connection with everyone else who is here.
And while you're considering what draws you here, you might also think about what it would take for you to decide to be "fully present" in this open space for global conversation. In the end, it will be what we choose collectively to make of it.
Right on, Priscilla!!!
Hi everyone,
I'm here because I think these conversations are critical at this time in the history of our human community. For people to come together across all boundaries to discuss the essential issues of our time is an act of democratic voice at the grass roots level. And I'm very touched that this space is being created for all of us to be able to share together.
Warm regards,
And I'm touched that you're here, Juanita. I doubt this space would exist without your pioneering work. Even if it did, we certainly wouldn't be calling it a "cafe." And I do so love that metaphor! "World as Cafe," here we come!
thank you kimberly for the demonstration.
marc, yes, i know you
I just got back from an Art Of Hosting training in BC, and planning on holding some intentional conversations / graphic harvests / and perhaps an OccupyCafe on the Santa Rosa plaza tomorrow... I've got the materials needed and a friend or two who lightly understand the processes... but looking for other folks in the area that could lend support for a (near to) 1st time cafe host... any suggestions?
We're just gonna go for it... Elicit help to paint signs, mark circles out of masking tape on the asphalt, and lightly train up some support facilitation... OccupySR's first night of legal camping tonight, and it's a paArTyyYy!!!
***Important questions being brought to the table tomorrow:
- "What does True relationship mean to you? …to this Movement?"
- "How is group participation fully engaged across racial / sexual / class boundaries?"
- "What part does the environment play in the directives of this Movement?"
- "How do we foster deep richness and meaning in our lives? …in our childrens' lives?"
- "Why do living systems work, and how do group processes flourish when we act through them?"
- "How can we create more steady and sustainable action?"
- "Add YOUR question suggestions below!!!"
sounds wonderful!!
I'm drawn by the energy, by the commitment to working through problems in a less partisan, ideological way, toward finding legitimate solutions that can serve the greater good, building consensus and mutual support. The nearly week-long power outage in Connecticut highlights the dangers of small government and deregulation - the marketplace cannot solve all problems, nor should they. The profit motive does not solve systemic problems. Some things - education, prisons, health care, energy - should not be allowed to generate profits, because the highest quality solutions are no longer available. Instead, survival of the profit-making entity becomes an end in itself.
Hello brothers and sisters! I am honored and happy to have found you all.
I am here because I am obsessed with all things Occupy, with the incredible connections that this global shift has made possible worldwide with like minds. Personally I feel like I have been Occupying my whole life, the heart, the Spirit, the essence of this movement, to me, is we are all intimately connected, affected by each other on so many levels and in truth, one family of humankind. I am only as rich as my poorest brother, and cannot in all conscience, feel at peace till all human suffering has ceased in terms of the meeting of universal needs, and meeting them well, as is so possible on this beautiful and abundant rock we all call Home. .
The shift in consciousness, I believe, where a reaching of critical mass tipped the scales from the mentality, if not yet the reality, of victimhood, drudgery, and drone lifestyles, which we are all so familiar with in regard to our acceptance of global corrupt monetary systems, a buying into the belief in false scarcity where for some to have others must have not, and a pitting of brother against brother, nation against nation in a scrabble to acquire ''things'' rather than a co-operation of living that recognises and cherishes community, connectedness, interdependence, and the shared spirit of life rather than soulless acquisition, has been made possible by a slow and steady building of momentum, held by many many individuals who have always lived in hope, with vision and in love. I am ever grateful to the torch bearers who have lit the way in a darkness so profound that any hope often appeared very foolish. A few of my favourites are Ghandi, Micheal Rosenberg, Mike Moore, Marianne Williamson, John Pilger and Bill HIcks.
When I discovered Occupy Wall St online, I didn't eat or sleep for two weeks! I felt an activation of mind, body and spirit, a recognition of a profound time coming apon us as a world, and I believe I heard a 'click'' as the world turned toward a new direction of possibility. A counterpoint moment to the terror and fear engendered by 9/11.
I am from Australia, Melbourne and am very involved with Occupy Melbourne, who are currently a small group of dedicated Occupiers, daily hassled by council and police to move on. I am a professional counselor and community worker, and rove about the camp in an attempt to provide a therapeutic space and time for debriefing, supporting those suffering from trauma from evictions, arrest and the hardship of daily camp life and whatever else may arise. We struggle to get beyond this survival level and to evolve the revolution in other ways. Many many of our problems, such as creating Safe Space whilst being inclusive, are your problems as well, and I have been looking to OWS as our big sister, more seasoned and experienced, to seek solutions.
I greatly look forward to knowing you
I'm here to see a democratically elected UN, or some sort of orginisation. this is just one point, and as there are so many ill leave it at that for now.
i just want to say that being part of the global community is important for the futre of our planet, as we come to relaise the global bubble can pop we all need to gather around to stop it.
The Kiwi
I'm here at Occupy Cafe because I'd like to converse with the wider world of the Occupy movement, beyond my own little town (Santa Fe, NM I'm pretty engaged in OSF. And I'm excited by possibilities I'm imagining for collaborative, simultanious actions across the USA and world.
At this very moment, my enthusiasm and inspirations surround my hope that the Occupy movement will conjoin with the decades long Earth Day (April 22nd) tradition for the largest and most powerful Earth Day in the history of the world. My hope, too, is to focus our attention on the climate crisis, which is a very big deal -- like corporate rule and faux democracy are really big deals. So I want to help birth a national Occupy action of tremendous and lasting impact. A day of action on the climate crisis across the nation and the world. Think globally; act locally.
Welcome aboard, James! Occupy Cafe is launching a new initiative, provisionally entitled "Connect 2012: Supporting the Emergence of Collaborative Communities" and I want to invite you to become a part of our beta-test, which is starting now.
The first step is to be interviewed--figure on a minimum of 30 minutes, with the option of going for as long as an hour if you feel called to do so. Among other things, the interview will give you a chance to promote the work that most inspires you and to connect with others who are aligned with your vision. We'll have a form set up to support scheduling shortly, meanwhile you can email if you're interested.
We plan to do one hundred or more interviews for the first round of the initiative. The ideas, insights, list of projects, etc. that emerge will form the basis for refining our collective vision of the Occupy work we are (or wish to be) engaged in and then developing strategies and tactics to support the implementation of that work. If you want to be involved beyond the initial interview process, that's great, but there is no commitment to do so.
I'm curious as to if these interviews ever happened.
I recently returned here after a few months hoping for interesting conversation, connection etc.
I believe it was the Occupy Patriarchy page & conference call notice that re-captured my attention.
I'm part of a women's group in Portland OR
I seem to waste time on the computer and am hoping for at least a certain level of connection and dialogue ....
I will go check my profile now and see what I said six months ago....
Regular Calls are no longer being held. Below is the schedule that was maintained from the Fall of 2011 through Jan 10, 2013.
"Vital Conversations"
8-10a PDT | 11a-1p EDT | 3-5p GMT
Tuesdays (except 10/16)
"Connect 2012"
1-3p PDT | 4-6p EDT | 8-10p GMT
Posted by Burl Hall on September 18, 2015 at 11:55am 0 Comments 1 Like
Posted by Richard Kreidler on September 15, 2015 at 10:09pm 1 Comment 0 Likes
Posted by Aria Littlhous on October 2, 2013 at 5:49am 0 Comments 0 Likes
Posted by Aria Littlhous on September 12, 2013 at 7:29pm 0 Comments 0 Likes
Posted by Kevin Parcell on September 11, 2013 at 12:56pm 0 Comments 0 Likes
by Brian E Shumsky Added November 27, 2012 at 11:36pm
by Ben Roberts Added July 10, 2012 at 5:54pm
by Cheryl Honey Added July 3, 2012 at 12:03pm 4 Comments
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