the rising sun is shining bright
infusing day with warmth and light.
is this the sun that shines as well
on countless lives of constant hell?
where starving people export food
their governments can not afford;
where billions live in poverty
so you can have your luxury.
we're out of time,
we must declare
greed is the crime,
what will you share?

a peaceful sunday morning's bliss,
i'm sure that heaven's much like this.
is this the peace we must promote?
but not for those who're too remote;
the children, men and women bombed;
the churches, mosques and temples burned;
the traumatised and refugees;
the dead and injured strewn like leaves.
we're out of time,
we must declare
greed is the crime,
what will you share?

our earth prompts thoughts of heaven's scene
with rivers clear and forests green.
is this the land you claim from God?
this holy land you've drenched in blood,
a homeland for your "chosen race",
your own exclusive living space.
i thought we nailed that vicious lie
when hitler took his evil life.
we're out of time,
we must declare
greed is the crime,
what will you share?

(c) gildas sapiens

Views: 51

Replies to This Discussion

Digital societal relapse again

Insanity pervades all moods

Inner peace on outer sleeve

Controlling factions disintegrate

Leaving behind a wake of heartache

‘Flight 2012 now departing for Utopia’

Passengers finding flotsam or jetsam

Remain behind to deal with unreality

Existence now the order of the day

Chaos waiting to leave its mark


The Walls of Jericho fell suddenly

The Berlin Wall fell rapidly

Current walls separate people

Into isolated cubicles, shiny box houses

Any moment can change unannounced

Filters of the mind of the beholder

Attention span is much too vapid

Reflections on the near at hand

Let the walls fall that step across

Common borders of humanity

(c)  lemme howdt

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