
This thread is intended to discuss the specifics of a Women's groups coming together in support and leadership in activist communities and within Occupy and this Occupy Cafe Forum.

On this thread please let's discuss what a women's groups offer us, what we want it/them to look and feel like, what the options are, her format/structure etc.   Please share ideas & let's link to related efforts. 

Please also be aware that we have a conference call on Monday morning, July 2nd  (8am Pst/11am East coast time) specifically for talking with women and feminists about related topics.  There is another thread specifically for that conversation.  Please participate, we need your voice!

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well there is not a big rush, i'm giving it more time....

you ain't seen nothin yet.  Mama is pregnant but the due date isn't for a little bit!



I was sad that the follow up call didn't line up as well as we had hoped.  I know some people arrived in person to dicuss and perhaps didn't know people had also called it.  I know it is hard to manage so many things happening, moving parts, diverse intentions.  I'm sure we all did the best we could.

I am also sad there is not more critical mass & focus for women's empowerment and leadership, but I remain hopeful....

It was a challenging situation when that happened.  And I thought we worked through it quite well in the end.  To me, it's most important that we learn to tend to our relationships and trust that people are making a good faith effort and we're all on the same team.  And we can all learn and evolve.  For the Cafe's part, we are now committed to increasing the female presence as hosts of our calls, and we are finding that this is a very positive thing for us at many levels, although we are not promising that every call will have a male and female host as one person requested.

We had a rich conversation the following day (Tuesday) about feminism, and we also dealt with it on Monday in the larger context of Authority.  Here's my graphic recording of the Tuesday convo, in case you missed it:

The universe is unlimited.  Our direct connection of life force is via the Divine Feminine.  We all embody that .  Some of us are more aware/in touch.

I invite you to use this thread to also discuss "what question, if answered, could make the most difference in moving us/Occupy/the USA/the world, out of patriarchy and into a new paradigm based on equal partnership and "power with," not "power over"?

This will feed into the decision about the questions we discuss on Monday's "Occupy Patriarchy" segment of OC @ #Natgat (8-9am PDT/11am-12pm EDT).  Register here.

Self identification is a pretty inclusive boundary!

Sea, you proposals are interesting.  I will be curious to hear what women say about them...

Several women in the Portland Vancouver Wa. Area were so excited to meet on line and on conference calls that we are organizing an in person meet up next Monday July 9th, at the Ike's on the red Max line. Apparently they have a meeting room! please invite women who might be interested.


Weekly Cafe Calls

Regular Calls are no longer being held.  Below is the schedule that was maintained from the Fall of 2011 through Jan 10, 2013.

"Vital Conversations" 

8-10a PDT | 11a-1p EDT | 3-5p GMT 

Tuesdays (except 10/16)
"Connect 2012"

1-3p PDT | 4-6p EDT | 8-10p GMT

"Occupy Heart" 

3-5p PDT | 6-8p EDT | 10p-12a GMT

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