An open space for global conversation
So far I have mostly been relying on Facebook and Twitter to follow what is happening with other Occupations but looking for more direct ways. The Monday calls here are good, and I am grateful, but I am looking for ways especially to connect with Canadian Occupations...
Any thoughts?
Here is what I would suggest. First you can create a Group on this website for Canadian Occupations and Occupiers. Then you can go to and create a MeetUp for Canadian Occupations and Occupiers and ask people to join the Occupy Cafe Group when they join your MeetUp. Once you get a number of Canadians together you can schedule a regular weekly call for Canadian organizers and occupiers on Occupy Cafe and select your Conversation Starters and topics of discussion, etc. I don't know how else to find Canadian Occupiers other than through looking for them on Occupy Together.
The US National Movement Building Calls (which are every Monday night) might be interested in including Canadians as well. If you do not have the information about these calls and the contact info for the organizers for them let me know and I can send it to you.
Rob Wheeler
robwheeler22 @
Very helpful, Rob. Thanks so much! I will follow up on these as soon as I can.
Best wishes,
nicoleksmith @
gmail me at canweyes, so I can send you a resource that will be helpful.
Thanks, Jim and Ben. I am now on the Google group
and it is a great resource. I am learning so much every day about the other Occupations in Canada.
Hi Nichole,
Just wanted to share a potential place to connect. The NYCGA Movement Building workgroup has a Inter-Occupy sub-group, both of which are using MaestroConference on a weekly basis.
Here are links:
Thanks Inga!
Are you west coast Canada? A west Coast Inter- Occupation call is in the works....
We have an Intercity Canada call tomorrow Sunday Dec 4 at 2 pm Pacific time.
Hello All,
In Aotearoa/New Zealand we have 4 occupations in our main centers, these were established O15. we are now seeing a decline in those wanting to join the movement and 2-3 centers will probably shed there psychical occupation. We have been active with twice weekly calls and attendance is creeping up, we are setting up more specific sub groups to work on projects and are starting to reach out to Australia.
We have a web page for national group.
I have been receiving international mail from the squares list and wondering if there are others i'm missing.
I also participate in the English Spanish international call at 8am Mondays (NZDT)
I am yet to participate in a Cafe call.
I'm willing to talk to anyone about other things, I'm wondering if there is an easier way to organise global time?
Regular Calls are no longer being held. Below is the schedule that was maintained from the Fall of 2011 through Jan 10, 2013.
"Vital Conversations"
8-10a PDT | 11a-1p EDT | 3-5p GMT
Tuesdays (except 10/16)
"Connect 2012"
1-3p PDT | 4-6p EDT | 8-10p GMT
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