An open space for global conversation
If you were to design a series of small group conversations as a learning journey guiding participants toward a shared, co-created vision of a transformed, thrivable economic system, what questions would you have them explore along the journey?
What are needs?
What are wants?
What is reliable?
What is whole?
In what ways does your life serve life, serve humanity? In your choices? In your practices? In what you exemplify and encourage your children toward?
What personal changes are you willing to make to support a new economy (ie. change banks, buy x% local, buy fair trade, etc.)?
From your perspective, what are the most pressing needs in your neighborhood, community, region, and country?
Based on those needs, what would you love to do to support change in one or more areas?
Is money a "thing?"
What is money for?
What might money also be for?
How can the principles of a "gift economy" be brought to bear at scale in a globalized economic system?
You might want to spend some time in this Occupy Cafe Forum thread as well for some additional ideas, or send them over here:
Oh, and I LOVE that we're focusing on QUESTIONS! thank you Michelle. Soon we will be feeding these back into our Cafe Calls.
Such good, juicy questions so far!
Is water leaving the neighborhood having done less to affirm and enhance life than it could have done?
Is organic matter leaving the neighborhood having done less to affirm and enhance life than it could have done?
Um... YES, IT IS!!!
Good Morning Ben,
David and I must have been posting at the same time with basically the same thought.
I have started a TED Conversation on the idea of creating a sovereign wealth fund from which the wealth from our natural resources would be redistributed back per capita to each and every person.
I will be posting a lot of back ground information there on how our nauiral resources are turned over to private companies via DOI's Mining Management Services.:
There is a great artcle linked there on what they have done with oil:
I think it is important as we ask these questions to also provide the backstory. without in any way losing track of, or overshadowing, the opportuity for each person to aline themselves with each question based on their own experience and circumstances
By water I meant so-called stormwater. By organic matter, I meant kitchen and so-called yard waste.
These are free resources for proactive, low-tech production that are slipping through fingers everywhere. Don't get me started on sunshine! ;-)
Just coming back to this post David and the exchange with Michelle from which it arises.
An important core idea ..we don't have to wait for a "national Energy Policy" to create habits in our lives that recognize the value of these free and abundant energy resources in our own lives..learn how to harvest and employ them in the context of where we are living now.
Each of us can have an intentional "Personal Energy Policy" that looks for and employs what is around us that we might otherwise waste.
Even in lower density urban neighborhoods it is possible to harvest and use compost kitchen waste and anywhere it is possible to take account of the suns heat and learn to use that to reduce reliance on oil. The charcoal from our wood burning stoves, fireplaces and brush pile burns can ammend our soil in an endlessly regenerative way increasing drought tolerance, increasing yield, producing healthier plants that are naturally more resistent to disease and insects.( again pointing to Aerin's call that we look back to the ancients to look forward to our new tomorrow..terra preta is the one of oldest known forms of agriculture.)
Islands like Bermuda, for example, are places we can look to to see these practices at work, especially in water harvesting. The island has only the water that falls in the form of rain for everything..including agriculture.
So in the spirit of Michelle's call for us to ask key questions, could we turn your observation into a question:
"What free energy and resources do we allow to slip through our fingers every day?"
"What practices and habits can we adopt that captures, stores, uitlizes these free resources? (i.e. what are the core elements of my personal energy plan?"
Regular Calls are no longer being held. Below is the schedule that was maintained from the Fall of 2011 through Jan 10, 2013.
"Vital Conversations"
8-10a PDT | 11a-1p EDT | 3-5p GMT
Tuesdays (except 10/16)
"Connect 2012"
1-3p PDT | 4-6p EDT | 8-10p GMT
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by Brian E Shumsky Added November 27, 2012 at 11:36pm
by Ben Roberts Added July 10, 2012 at 5:54pm
by Cheryl Honey Added July 3, 2012 at 12:03pm 4 Comments
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