Let's start a list of resources that could help organize and facilitate face to face conversation and action.

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Resilience Circles provide a great neighborhood organizing model - they are often linked with the Transition Initiative.



Community Sufficiency Technologies

Start your investigation with the link near the foot of the page which is the same three words.

When you say face-to-face, Ron, do you mean only in-person or are you including 1-on-1 via some version of remote communication?

I am thinking specifically related to dining table conversations with small groups for these resources.

A relevant campaign described on this site.

correct post is to your draft to unknown neighbor below...

I did mean to point to Nancy's initiative on January 2.

Draft note to unknown neighbors.  An initiative of mine.


I love your letter and am thrilled that people other than me are wandering around wondering how to build connectivity in the neighborhood. I have recently become a big fan of the work of Peter Block in Cincinnati,Ohio called A Small Group. If you go to the website you can down load a free booklet called Civic Engagement and the Restoration of Community. The work focus on 6 conversations that empower individuals to be active agents for the future they want to bring in. The work/conversations happen in a circle and then in small groups of 3 people. Check it out. http://www.asmallgroup.net/

Here in Cleveland there is and effort to use the Neighbor Circle process designed by Lawrence Works.


Thank you for sharing the resources with us, Susan.  For me, the invitation has been the hard part!

One of the 6 conversations that Peter talks about in his work is the conversation of invitation. In his book Community and the Structure of Belonging he declares that Invitation is the means through which hospitality is created.

Peter Block's ingredients for an invitation:

  • Declare the possibility of the gathering
  • Frame the choice
  • Name the hurdle
  • Reinforce the request
  • Decide on the most personal for possible

Sue's recipe for an invitation based on ideas from Theory U:

  • Easy to understand:   The recipient should understand right away that your communication is an invitation without having to puzzle about it.
  • Factual - The facts of the matter regarding how to participate should be clear. Where, what, why, when, etc.
  • Empathetic – You should include a story or two that helps people connect to why you believe this is relevant and important; stories which helps them make meaning around the subject at hand.
  • Generative - You should share genuinely why you really care. What possibility for the future is calling you forward? There should be enough of a welcome that people can imagine being a part of making it happen. 

Valuable "bullets"!


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