Designing Technology for Freedom: A "Citizen Defence Through Truth App"

"In a volume no greater than a deck of cards, the general purpose computer now fits in our pockets. Just about all the features we expected, from desktop or notebook computers, now come in smart phones.

Most people know that these devices have cameras, WiFi, microphones, and accelerometers. Some even use these devices as hot-spots to allow other devices to access the Internet via the smartphone's wireless data service.

Fewer of us understand what can be done with these technologies when combined in these small packages.

So how can we turn these devices into defenders of human rights and democracy?

We need a "Citizen Defence Through Truth App.""

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Wouldn't an App like this be more useful than "The Global Square"?

Views: 141

Comment by MAN in the MIDDLE on February 9, 2012 at 5:21pm

Thanks for spreading my blog post, Gildas ApCaw Sapiens.

Often in despicable military conflicts when states turn against their own citizens, communication infrastructure is very likely to be monitored and/or shut down.  Monitoring of citizens can lead to arrest, torture, and death.  The complete shutdown of communications such as the Internet and cell phone service may allow a regime to persecute its citizens secretly.  

Though there may be many active and willing citizen journalists risking there own lives to capture abuses of tyranny, it is usually quite difficult for the stories to make their way to borders where the rest of the world can aid the suffering of the persecuted.

Over the last few days, I have been wondering how citizens could maintain their own communications infrastructure in the even their own state is actively suppressing free and open communications.

I have quite broad knowledge of computer communication and cryptography.  Unfortunately, I don't have the depth of knowledge required to expertly use specific specialized technologies. I can see the path, however, due to the serious consequences individuals, using such a technology, face from their own governments, I don't dare to assume I could produce a system with the rugged security to withstand well funded attacks a regime might use to manipulate such a system.

The system is doable.  What this effort needs is people willing to donate some time and skill.  Engineers and developers with great skill in designing secure network communications will be desperately needed.  People to spread the word to enlist engineers and developers are needed.  Testers will be needed.  Providers of test hardware will be needed.

If this project becomes successful, we will vastly improve the movement of truth everywhere there may be conflict.

I am not doing this to make money.  I truly believe EVERY person has the right to both tell and hear the truth.

The address of my blog post is: The Citizen App Blog Post

For the time being, this will be the hub for information on the project.  Hopefully, as interest grows, it can move to a more development oriented site.




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