Keep the Poor on the Agenda! Oppose Unjust Poverty Laws! Call Sunday


No "special permits" for first amendment activity! We are not separate from the poorest!

So much focus on economic and political demands have pushed on-the-ground poverty realities aside.

Human rights now! Keep the poverty laws and abuse of the poor ON THE AGENDA!

Let’s TALK ABOUT IT. Call Sunday Dec 4 6pm pacific, register:, check-ins, coordinated direct action brainstorm, open stack.

OWS demands must include the rights of people to sleep, and legally care for their bodies without discrimination based on appearance or smell. Sleeping with a blanket should never be against the law. Sleeping in a car is not a crime. Serving food to hungry people is protected political free speech! Eating is a HUMAN RIGHT!

End the inhumane, insane, psychologically damaging, death by a thousand cuts harassment of the poor. Join us!

We want to hear what laws are being used against Occupy to live on public land.

dayton uses homeless laws and "sign restrictions" "we've never let the homeless sleep here"

milwaulkee chief of police in the tipi: "just take your tents down at night"

Boulder "you can have tents, but you can't sleep at night"

andy occupy boulder


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