Mark Ames on Greece, the "1%" and decisionmaking

What is happening in Greece is of great relevance to us in the US. We may very well find ourselves in a similar situation. This piece by Mark Ames highlights how a powerful anti-democratic impulse drives the decision-making around spending there.

I've been following Ames for quite some time, from his days at the Moscow-based shock publication, Exile. As usual, I don't like the tone of his writing, and at the same time he raises important questions about how decisions are made and who is making the decisions on so-called austerity.

Views: 31

Comment by Jitendra Darling on November 26, 2011 at 12:30am

This attack on Greece is sadly consistent with Global Bank policy, which had, in the past, seemingly reserved its overt resource exploitation and covert economic slavery for countries undeveloped to western standards, i.e. - banana republics, fragile oil and resource rich nations.  

Is Greece the first in a line of developed western nations to be sucked into the Bankers scheme of bait, pressure and switch?  These are hostile takeovers.

It is ironic that Greece is the seat of democracy as we learned it. But, is it more ironic than the current erosion of democracy in the US by a strong-armed banking cartel which has clearly usurped the US legislative and enforcement process.  All the while, the US retains its schizophrenic image, claiming to be a shining bastion of democracy in the world.

Don't mean to be so dour here.  We've enough democracy that the Occupy movement is significant and relevant—more so every day.  The brightest side of all is that we have enough freedom, creativity, courage and guidance from beyond the veil to recover humanity into the light of how we know we can be on this planet.



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