Ashland, OR (December 13, 2011) –  

R. Buckminster Fuller, inventor and futurist, has become a major icon in the Occupy Movement. Represented by his book, Grunch of Giants, and his geodesic dome, Bucky’s spirit is infusing the hearts and minds of humanitarians working to implement global change through sustainable design science. The time for change is now and our synergy can save the world.

Bucky coined the term “synergy” to demonstrate how the output of the whole is greater than the individual. Bucky warned us of the immediate dangers posed by the “invisible, abstract, and completely ruthless empire of corporations that control the world’s finances”.  It is time to create a true economy, through the people, by the people and for the people!

In his cautionary tale, Grunch of Giants, he emphasizes that Americans have confused money and wealth. Money should be “a medium of exchange and a cash accounting system,” while wealth should be the “organized technological capability to protect, nurture, educate, and accommodate the forward days of humans”. Through our synergy, we can reform the monetary system so that it truly serves humanity.

Through design science, Bucky envisioned our entire planet operating with a higher standard of living, accommodating and supporting all. The Buckminster Fuller Institute and Pacific Domes, have been working to create solutions for humanity for 30 years, and are now actively supporting the Occupy movement. Buckminster Fuller’s most famous invention, the geodesic dome, is and the strongest structure known to man. Pacific Domes has provided domes for Occupy UC Davis, Occupy Buffalo NY, and Occupy Eugene and plans to support a further vision, Occupy Earth.

Occupy Ashland, joined by Oregon Action and Good Grief America, will be holding training, canvassing, and direct action Saturday, December 17th from 11am to 2 pm to assist the City of Ashland in moving its money. Rich Rohde will also hold an open discussion on the Oregon State Bank, and Nancie Koerber will show the implications of statewide foreclosures in imploding Oregon communities. The action will be followed by Occupy Action's General Assembly from 2 to 4pm, and refreshments will be served. Peace House is also sponsoring this event, which will be held at 543 So. Mountain in Ashland .  Join us...and don't forget the Bradley Manning Candlelight Vigil on Ashland's Plaza this Friday at 4:30   Media Coordinator, OCCUPY ASHLAND

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