Shifting Focus (1) From "Leadership To Empowerment" (2) From "Alignment To Connection"

Two insights that I wanted to share two insights with you that have emerged for me while participating in the OC online conversations.

It seems that our collective way of thinking (which we are usually unaware of) is what can collapse the movement's potential. I believe the following transitions of awareness are crucial to OC's ability to create and sustain true transformation and change:


  • A change FROM eliminating the idea of leadership that is based on a perceived need for unified direction and authority, TO allowing and empowering all individuals and groups to author themselves based on common intent, drive, and passion.



  • A change FROM the idea of everyone needing to be aligned under a unified mission, TO allowing people to gather in many ways while keeping threads of connection to all other clusters. The focus becomes how to connect rather than who's idea is best. This allows a fractal network of actionable ideas to emerge, rather than a fractured set of directed ideals.


Maybe we begin an online list here at that becomes a set of guiding principles for sustaining OC's ability to create change. Is anyone interested?

Views: 169

Comment by Occupy Cafe Stewards on November 28, 2011 at 4:17pm

This feels SO right to me, Vic.  I think it's important to point out that such a framework empowers action, around which there is both a deep hunger and a constricting fear (i.e. that it won't emerge and the movement will "fragment").

How can we frame the "interdependent connection" idea in a way that allows people to see coherence and convergence at the highest level, i.e. to see Occupy as a "whole" in some sense even as its energies move on divergent paths?  (a la Humanity 4.0?)


Ben Roberts

Comment by David Eggleton on November 28, 2011 at 8:02pm

That's what this is about. And this. And this (an exchange).  And  probably others I've posted.

Vic, let's take this further.

Comment by Vic Desotelle on December 16, 2011 at 11:23pm

I'm in on that David. I'll put my seat belt on. Where would you like to go?


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