STUNNING: When a Single Image Cuts to the Core of an American Injustice

"Every day people in the Occupy movement are fighting big banks to keep families in this country from being foreclosed upon. Fighting to keep another person from being homeless, and from another housing unit becoming vacant. Fighting to change the narrative, to make this national blight more visible, more known.

And that's what spreading the above image can do. Make this injustice more known or understood in a way the mind-numbing statistics cannot, perhaps inspiring others to get up and do something with this newly-understood knowledge."

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Foreclose on the 1% - with Extreme Prejudice!

Views: 140

Comment by Mark E. Smith on February 4, 2012 at 5:20pm

I recall being similarly stunned by an image many years ago. It was a picture of a marketplace in an African country where millions were dying of starvation due to "famine." The marketplace was overflowing with local food for sale--the problem was that nobody could afford to buy it.

It's the same thing with housing here. The problem isn't food or housing, the problem is capitalism which makes them unaffordable and leaves people hungry and homeless to increase profits to corporations.


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