Thriving: Possess Nothing, Own Everything

A Path to Thriving: "Possess" Nothing, "Own" Everything
Gary Horvitz
01.03.12, 7:49pm Comments (0)

I’ve encountered a lot of talk about thriving lately. Everywhere I turn I am hearing that word: movies, meetings, online and personal conversation. It used to be that sustainable was sufficient. That word has now become inadequate. Now we need something more.

Maybe “sustainable” has been used so much it’s missing the clearly principled clarity it once had. With all the machinations of the billion dollar public relations campaigns bent on greening corporate images, we can hardly rest on any laurels for having changed the conversation. We realize that we must again distinguish authentic dialogue from the merely commercially opportunistic.

There is something missing from the conventional use of the term sustainable that does not quite articulate the full flavor of what we imagine is the coming world. The world we truly want is something more like sustainability on steroids; not merely providing basic necessities or doing so without degrading the life support system, but a world in which all people are living at an enhanced level of quality that can only emerge when we live in a generous environment of open possibility.


Views: 92

Comment by Gary Horvitz on January 8, 2012 at 6:33pm

Dave, I can't even unpack what you just said. Care to be a little less opaque?

Comment by Jennifer Hazard on January 15, 2012 at 2:04pm

Very well said. I appreciate this analysis. We really do tend to overuse words to the point that they get thrown around and repeated without true mindfullness of the meaning of the word or how it will manifest as action.




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