The immortal words of Jesus says "Judge not ... and ye shall not be judge by your own measures." When I see this scripture I believe that he is speaking about judging the condition of a person's soul; judging on a spiritual level. If I point at a man and say, that man is going to hell because he's a thief, an adulterer, etc. then I am guilty of judging.

However If I see a man running out of a bank with a mask on carrying a bag of loot while the alarms are going off, I can call that man a thief. If I see a man entering a motel room with another man's wife at 3 a.m. while he's grabbing her butt and kissing her, knowing that the woman is married and the man is to, I can safely assume that he/she is committing adultery. Speaking of these incidents, saying or not saying names is not judging. Instead it is called pointing out the obvious. Judging goes at a much deeper level.

I have no right to say if a person is going to heaven, or hell. Only God has that right. I do, however while on this earth have the right to challenge wrongs committed by those people who praise the Lord on Sunday and become cruel to their fellow man on Monday-Saturday. This is not spiritual judging. This is "Social Revolution," a wake-up call to the conservative right.

Cruel and uncaring treatment of the poor, the oppressed, or someone who just don't agree with a persons preconceived standards will no longer be tolerated. I am not alone. There are millions who feel the same as I and we are going to take back our country and make it a fair democracy for all. We are going to bring back love and compassion towards our fellow man, clean up our environment, make healthcare accessible to all without bankrupting people, bring back our manufacturing and force the hand of Wall Street and corporations to stop stealing from and hurting the American people.

If this is anti-Christian, then I am guilty of not being a Christian. However, Jesus chased out the money changers from the Temple with a whip, and preached many sermons blessing the poor while condemning the actions of the rich. If my words, deed and actions are not Christian, then Jesus was not a Christian either.

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