Part 2: The Anti-Space Race Phenomenon

From what I understand, the space race was about whether the U.S. or the U.S.S.R was the most disciplined, if discipline meant creating durable vessels for humans to go somewhere other than the planet which sustains life. So basically we flew up into space, and planted our flag. I think we won, but I might be mistaken. Anyways, there is no U.S.S.R anymore so we either won, or definitely lost, depending on whether or not it is good to remain, which seemed to be a question in the space race: 'is it best to stay on planet Earth?' With so much air pollution and nuclear violence possible, this is a question we have to immediately begin exploring.


I would welcome your visionary thoughts, here.

Views: 98

Comment by Shikha on September 12, 2012 at 5:42pm

You don't think words themselves move your mind? 

Comment by Shikha on September 13, 2012 at 9:26am

Well, I just learned what 'hermeneutics' and 'exegesis' mean. So it is possible I was just saying that. But what I meant was: for me things like the words in the Bible for example, the feeling of how I'd imagine the sounds of the words is enough for me. I mean I love finding more and more meanings- it's like every line is perfect- but probably some- anyways, I think loving people would be fine. We are one what? I mean I guess you're right and I'd have to think about it more. I don't think it would change my opinion that much. Anyways, I just now thought, 'we' implies mutual thinking of that- so it's hard to say 'we are the universe' because most of the universe probably doesn't have that shared agreement with us. There's just not even thinking about it in that way. Yesterday I had a question about embodying evolutionary power of the universe and having evolutionary power with the universe- I didn't ask my question though. I don't even really know what it is, just something about our having that same power makes me indignant or something.

Is this very off topic?

Comment by Shikha on September 13, 2012 at 2:18pm

oh. when you said, 'we are one'.


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