John Lennon's song, "Imagine" comes to my mind when I think about this potential collaborative creation. I envision a series of prints of a 12"x16" poster, with some kind of statement on it, of course, beautifully decorated and crafted by the genius of our collective imagination. I'm not suggesting some kind of decree about who 'we' are based on 'what we believe' should be the state of various aspects of our existence and how we should go about getting there. There is plenty of that, already. We can just imagine that we already agree. 

I imagine a collage would be fun, maybe a digital collage, behind the verbal translation of our collective agreement.

I'm actually kind of thinking of something like C.A. Bradfield's "Imagine everyone eating". Anyone have any suggestions about what to say? Once we've created a rectangular design, we can print it onto posters or postcards or just paper, and paste it various prominent and significant places as representational items, holding a place for each of our dreams...

Views: 86

Comment by Shikha on October 26, 2012 at 11:47am
I have an idea for the title. It could be "OCCUPY THE DREAM". We could then begin to name together 'the dream' we are intending to 'occupy'. Any color suggestions.
Comment by Shikha on October 27, 2012 at 4:11am

I confess I have a particular bias in favor of the colors purple and blue being prominently included in this endeavor. I am also partial to yellow, and as a result of that combination, it would obviously become necessary for us to include green. Considering all the other factors involved, we would also necessarily therefore require some red, due to the simultaneous natures of passion and inclusivity in the collaborative combination which most supremely fabricates the highest order of the most sophisticated beauty. 

While we are at it, I will try my very best to come to an appreciation of orange, which is currently being used as the necessary scapegoat for the projection of my apparently indomitable urge toward critical evaluation and condemnation. If anyone else has something to say about color, I would love and welcome it.

Comment by Shikha on October 27, 2012 at 3:23pm

Of course there are always other forms and formats of collaborative expedition. My next thought is this: we could start with a white sheet of tissue craft paper, then layer a patterned sheet over it. Of course this is all very imaginary, right now, since we are scattered over a multitude of states and since I have no tissue paper. Anyways, the bottom sheet could be yellow or grey, then maybe a square of light yellow- can you picture it? The skill required is similar to the visualizing capacities involved in 'mental chess'. Anyways, this way we can put complementary colors, such as yellow and violet, atop one another without causing enormous problems. Anyways, I'm happy to imagine the color, especially if anyone has anything in particular that seems to be a beginning of some kind of unanimously consensual articulation of our rapidly approaching collective utopia-poster-idea. 

Comment by Shikha on October 27, 2012 at 3:24pm

Plus, if anyone ever wants to talk color for any other reason, I am as they say, game.

Comment by Jitendra Darling on November 5, 2012 at 1:28pm

I would love to SEE a rendition of your initial vision.  Perhaps if you got the ball rolling with a visual, we could figure out a way for folks to add on.  How might we execute a collective collage virtually?


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