How might a paradigm that has valued control and domination have influenced our personal interactions and relationships with one another? 

How might we restore and expand the qualities of invitation to our communications—both delivering and receiving?

12-2p PDT | 3-5p EDT | 7-9p GMT

Click here to register for all Friday calls (register only once for all Occupy Heart calls)

Monday, we began exploring Peter Block's Invitation conversation as "a way of being."  Through passionate exchanges, one point seemed to reach unanimous consensus—invitation feels much better than mandate.  Monday focused on words, specifically, the words we used to invite this OC community to participate as stewards of the cafe.

However, as the title of Monday's call reflects, invitation is a way of being that goes beyond the words we choose (though the words are important).  This Occupy Heart call will take a deeper dive into the art of being that invitation. 

What might "being invitation" mean?  We can think simply of inviting someone for dinner.  How might you imagine yourself receiving your guest?  What kind of space might allow them to feel most welcome?  Would you consider inquiring about dietary restrictions or dislikes with regard to your meal planning?  How might you greet them that they feel safe, comfortable and joyful in having accepted your invitation?  How might your conversations go.  To what degree might you be open to learning more about your guest and hearing about their life and interests? 

On an internal level: To what degree do you hold an invitational space for yourself?  To what degree are you receptive and spacious with your whole self?  Do you ever catch yourself being a bit tyrannical or imposing of one part of yourself on another?

What might you shift within yourself to create more curiosity and interest to explore more challenging edges?  "Being invitation" is a powerful way to increase the possibility that you will be heard—as well as hearing others.  What greater gift of giving and receiving than of essence?


We'll engage body and heart-centered exercises designed to strengthen your invitational art form.

1. What does "being invitation" mean or evoke for you personally?  Name a quality you see in yourself, or circumstance you can remember, that might demonstrate "being invitation"?

2. What kind of impact might you imagine being more invitational can have in your personal life?  What kind of impact might we imagine being more invitational, collectively?

3. What might inspire and/or allow you to expand yourself as an invitational presence?

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 This promises to be an exciting opportunity to explore the depths of our own state of being. I'll join the call a little late, but I plan to be there.   I noticed the start time changed from Noon PDT to 8am PDT. Is that correct? . 

No, Cheryl, the time hasn't changed. That was an error in the post, which has now been corrected. Thanks for catching it!

Thanks, Cheryl!


"Take the call" says Daniel.

And/or "make the call!"  What if the whole world got really comfortable doing that?

The "risk" of invitation showed up right away in this conversation.  Like so much, making it conscious diminishes its power.  Security in our own (inalienable) value, as Jitendra  points out, releases the invitational energy.  Love the idea that Occupy cries out to the world to recognize our core value as people, in rebellion against the ways in which we are systematically receiving messages that "invite" us to demean ourselves.  

Is this the invitation we as "occupiers" are consciously, proudly and actively extending to the world?  I know that I have stepped away from this, especially when it comes to extending this invitation to people who I perceive to be different from me.  Who do we need "in the room" (i.e. in the "movement")?  Are we inviting them and if not, why not?  Are we even asking this question, or are we allowing ourselves to be limited by the risk?  If we took this task seriously, how might our language need to change to create hospitable space for "others?"

Jitendra and cafe participants,

I only caught the harvest on the call and it felt wonderful in the deepening on how essentially our connectivity is always an invitation to enactively embody a "clearing for social learning" as an invitation to chaotic vulnerability, authenticity and a safeness in playfulness and mood of shared joyful concern, not necessarily problem solving, fixing rather listening, hearing and dancing with one another in love = legitimacy in coexistence.  My view of inspiration for expanding invitational presencing is invitation is always a "social engagement" and that is what makes it so special in our daily lives, we feel chosen to be included, participate and valued in life and living when invited with no demand to attend any THING.  Also saying "no" is easily accepted, its O~N_L~Y an invitation, where as in a "request" or an "offer" it's commitment oriented of a business transaction (decision making requirement) and has consequences in regards to power to do something in action.  So, I experience invitation as a gathering of trust in person to person social learning in playfulness and there is no formal commitments other than to enjoy the experience of sharing a meal, event, or a conversation in appreciation = love.

A significant invitation for a clearing for learning in my life since 1984 is the work of Humberto Maturana that I invite is at the heart of the Cafe experience of "Appreciative Inquiry and Dialog" as being a social invitation to create "being something deeper in the realization in living of our shared concerns and values." The Cafe conversations are disrupting our notions of the "surrounding problems, conditions and situations surrounding us at a deeper level of authentic discourse in "feel" not necessarily "intellectual competition."  The Cafe is opening a space and place, "Virtual SPLACE" inside us, not out here, and we feel it and wonder what is happening here? This is where imagination and creativity lives in a mood of wonder.  "I don't have a clue as to what is happening here. and it feels wonderful, and I want to learn more." The intimacy and trust we are gathering in as a small conclave of honest, trusted freedom is remarkable, and it is also a center for maturing the wholeness of feel by deepening our passionately desire in heart felt senses authentically in moments of live speech acts that are heard, sometimes creative collapsing emotional hinges in our persons,  and appreciated in heart felt manner of human dignity.  I submit that is awesome experiences we are creating by originating these conversations.  We are learning together in freedom on a new playground called "appreciative conversations" where we agree all assessments are acceptable and eventually after we gather trust in this manner of human dignity, we can begin to ground assertions for effective actions together in dialog not in fear rather joyful concern as a transformational community in love = legitimacy~in~coexistence.

Pretty cool playmates in a new sandbox where there are no bullies, arrogant aggression, transcendental authorities or structural laws/rules/mandates/protocols of patriarchal discipline governing conversations operating in transparency.   Indoctrinated belief systems demanding shame and blame are rejected as no longer having any validity or impact as an appropriate agreed upon manner of behavior in the cafe and we become self regulating at a deeper level of interaction taking for responsibility for the experiences we create in the cafe as an ongoing community gathering exploring sacred commerce.  Just primary knowing love becomes our common reflection and is constituting our individuated autonomous humanness in experience and appreciated as the gift of being, itself, now in whole play. 

So the initial observation of the swept along cultural matrix of outrage and indignation in the Occupy Movement is embraced in its total sense of "chaos" because it has no authority to disrupt, break or dislocate the swept along "mental cultural matrix we parachuted into at birth" and primarily the "educational systemic consumptive pattern" is operating the current globalization; discourses, institutions and organizations, and the resistance embedded in the mandatory cultural standard practices fear of survival, i.e. "Get Money of Eat Dirt" is beginning to revive a deeper realization and solution.  Great awakening work is what I see, hear and experince happening in the Cafe.

Here is the learning video and invite to take a break from the fixated notion that "2012 Presidential Politics in America' is going to solve our problems or even address our valued concerns as a transformational community.  No, I invite us to consider we must create a whole new integrated structure, vulnerable authenticity, based in our humanness as an invitation not as a prestige branding political power.  What this 2 hour and 26 minute video does invite us to consider is a whole new frame of reference for re-inventing a shared "clearing for learning" as children based in grounding a manner of human dignity in our interactions in freedom, independence and self efficacy in autonomous realization as an emergent transformational community. 

I invite you to consider that this cafe experience is a designing a Dojo for learning to be effective servant stewards of appreciative conversations originating care, innovation and creativity, where we are not alone, rather entering a pathway feeding our hunger for our wholeness in bringing forth a new reality in relationships which we are dependent on to live, thrive and be happy.  The circularity in this manner of living reflection is new, radical and disruptive to current patterns demanding obedience and negating autonomous responsibility creating our human experiences.  Patriarchy fears such undisciplined outbreaks and fortunate for us they are happening in Occupy Everywhere.  So the key is gathering our trust as new beginners in learning then we can harness our playfulness in dealing with bullies.  Of course, bullies like myself are actually transformed in the mood to share authenticity.  The video has had 1 million viewers worldwide very quickly and is pluralistic (45 Spanish Learning Repositories Exploring Education) and there is a text button to read the interpretative conversation. 

"ALL LIVING EXPERIENCE occurs through CONVERSATIONS and this is where the REALITY WE LIVE IN ORIGINATES."  Humberto Maturana (Biologist)

"Our task must be to free ourselves by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature and its beauty."  Albert Einstein (Physicist)

The Forbidden Education

Movie (2 hrs 26 min)

Trailer (3 Min)

Thanks Mushin


Weekly Cafe Calls

Regular Calls are no longer being held.  Below is the schedule that was maintained from the Fall of 2011 through Jan 10, 2013.

"Vital Conversations" 

8-10a PDT | 11a-1p EDT | 3-5p GMT 

Tuesdays (except 10/16)
"Connect 2012"

1-3p PDT | 4-6p EDT | 8-10p GMT

"Occupy Heart" 

3-5p PDT | 6-8p EDT | 10p-12a GMT

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