Occupy 2.0: Transforming Systems from the Inside Out


Occupy 2.0: Transforming Systems from the Inside Out

A group led by Jitendra Darling based on the principle that all external systems are fractal iterations of internal human dynamics.  The systems we seek to transform are held in place by something vast and powerful below our awareness, our own individual and collective subconscious.

"Take, for example, the current failed economic system which disregards the value of the majority of its members. To what degree does that failed system reflect a society of individuals that bases their internal value on the goods and devices (i.e.-credit) in which it is now entrapped?

Any system, no matter how "perfect", will be reduced to the level of consciousness at which it operates.  Don Beck's spiral dynamics model (chart below-click to enlarge) provides an intelligent illustration of this maxim. This is not a Spiral Dynamics or Integral group, however, I value and respect Dr. Beck's contribution to this understanding.  

This group is an exploration into the systems in our world we want to transform and how we have kept those systems alive within our own subconscious.  

Oh! And of course, we'll all share how we believe we can change that...

I've often said that the last 50 years of spiritual practice and personal growth has been a dress rehearsal.  And now?

It's showtime!  Let's have some fun!"

Members: 21
Latest Activity: Jul 13, 2012

Discussion Forum

Expressive social change

Started by Tana Paddock. Last reply by Tana Paddock Feb 21, 2012. 4 Replies

So happy to see that this conversation is happening in this space. The question you are asking is at the heart of our project Organization Unbound, which focuses on how to do this at a collective…Continue

Tags: change, Expressive

A little more on: Freedom From the Inside Out

Started by Jitendra Darling. Last reply by Jim Prues Jan 8, 2012. 5 Replies

Here's an inquiry appropriate for this group, Transforming Systems From the Inside Out (remember? ;-)))In what ways might this outer theater reflect dynamics within your own emotional, mental and…Continue

Tags: Citizens, United, NDAA, Attraction, One

Let's Get the Problem Definition Right.

Started by David Eggleton. Last reply by NDT Jan 6, 2012. 19 Replies

"The systems we seek to transform are held in place by something vast and powerful below our awareness, our own individual and collective subconscious.Take, for example, the current failed economic…Continue

Tags: occupy, , reversal, recovery, , dead, yourself, , wholeness,

Comment Wall


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Comment by Lindsay Newland Bowker on December 4, 2011 at 1:41pm

OK Got It Jitendra..here you are my dear anonymous friend

Eloquent and wise, my dear anonymous friend.(reference Valentin Tomberg)

The bee is a good analogy for the many dimensions of Occupy and the awakening of the 99%.  If you saw Microsmos ( the beautiful un narrated  1996 phenomenological documentary on what bees and other creatures actually do) it seems that the flower also has intention and deposits its pollen on the bee.Occupy has been the bee..building its own hive in an inward looking way..but in the process the flowers of the field have self pollinated from Occupy taking actions that are outwardly directed and positively taking up the resposibility and very hard work of engineering change, naming what the change must be, holding that up and doing that, some times taking the name of :Occipy" as in Occupy Harvard  but standing and speaking much more powerfully and effectively than Occupy itself has..showing Occupy in these actions what its intentions might become and how much more could be accomplished  if it stopped beng the bee building its own hive and intentionally started making the spreading of pollen its work.

We are equally conscious and deliberate when we act and speak wisely as when we act and speak reactively..the range may even be the same.

To become the bee, intentionally pollinating the flowers of the field, Occupy needs to turn outward to the world in witness, in solidairity,speaking only in what shows solidarity, shows true witness.The hallmark of Occupy, in the words of someone I much admire and hold in affection, must be in every word and action, to serve life

If that is  the internal gyroscope of Occupy, to speak and act only in ways which serve life, then its words and actions will automatically do that and be that.

The ordinary work of the bee is important too..the products of the hive also serve life. Honey is one of the great healers..it actually rebuilds, regenerates tissue, is a natural anti-biotic  that wards off infection.  We need the bees attention to its hive, we need its honey to heal  a broken world.

The hive will continue its operations, the honey will still be made, but the bee is needed to include in its intentions pollinating the withering fields and orchards.

Comment by Jitendra Darling on December 4, 2011 at 12:48pm

(Great apologies forgetting I logged in as admin earlier)

"Interdependent with the universe" and "Infinite Interpenetration" are elegant descriptors.  

Someone at our Occupy Marin GA was saying how they felt they didn't know enough to speak.  I suggested that it doesn't matter what you think you know, just that you speak what's authentically there for you.  

You serve the whole, even when you can't see the whole. Which is never.  We can never see the whole, because manifest reality expresses in infinitely nested holarchies.  It is like a hall of infinitely reflecting mirrors.  There's always the next fractal iteration of the pattern in endless iterations.  

Bucky Fuller talks about precession, the effect that occurs at a 90 degree angle to where you think you're headed—or the effect you think you're having, just beyond the periphery of your vision.  The bee is focused on the nectar and the hive, unaware that it is also pollinating and supporting the life of an ecosystem.  

Each and every action and nonaction has an effect.  One of the most fascinating phenomena used to occur when I would present an experiential introduction class.  Every so often, someone would show up that "only wanted to sit on the side and observe."  They had no idea of the magnitude of the gravitational force they exerted on the room and everyone else's experience simply by existing in the room.  It's not possible to exist and not be an influence.

Of course Occupiers aspire to more than merely existing.  The question that emerges is then, "To what degree am I a conscious and deliberate influence in my world?"  "What is the range and scope of my effect?" "How/can I be sure?'

Comment by David Eggleton on December 3, 2011 at 2:35pm

Doreen, If you can give something a title and some tags, the best posting, in a group, is a discussion (section above the Comment Wall).  Hope this helps.

The diagram of the whole person would have been posted as a discussion if I had even faintly anticipated the sort of conversation that developed after your comment.

Comment by Lindsay Newland Bowker on December 3, 2011 at 1:46pm

Pawel ( all) apolgies for my many typos ( neuropathic damge to both hands)..plus I am used to TED where I can edit.


So that's


"infinite interpenetration"

Comment by Lindsay Newland Bowker on December 3, 2011 at 1:42pm



Your comment :"There is a third possibility: we are all and each interdependent with the universe" resinates with me.

"Infinite Interpenetration" is the specific wisdom tradition that makes sense to me..it is from the Flower Garland School of Buddhism,  a tradition, in contrast to other Buddhist traditions, looks out in service to the world..is about stewardship for humanity and the earth.

 I can't possibly do it justice in a little blog in this context (or perhaps at all) but the gist of it is that each of us is completely unique and critically needed in the universe..that that uniqueness of us..what we do with it how we use is constantly radiating out and affecting the condition of all other unique individuals who are doing that back to us..infinite interpenetration.


It implies that when we act and grow and seek to be in service to humanity and the earth we actually do uplift or contribute to the wellness of the whole ( and of course vice versa)  We might not see or know the effect of our service..of our outward offering to humanity to the earth but it actually happens. So we keep doing it..keep reaching out in service to life, in service to humanity, in stewardship for the earth.


Comment by Pawel Klewin on December 3, 2011 at 1:20pm

Doreen: I'd say the liar is a thought, a thought that limits us.

David: In the version of the story I'm working with the liar was a school of thought.


Doreen, I could have agreed with your first answer, quoted above. If not the second post, after David’s one – clearly demonstrating true thought as opposed to the “liar”, deceitful thought. David is more direct, addressing schools of true thought and lying thought.

If the thought was a liar, we our whole person would be the victim. We (all, equally, in common) could then try to understand the nature of the thought and nature of the lie (occupy, reset, eliminate the limits).

If there is true thought opposed to deceitful thought we can only continue the fight between believers in one and believers in other.

Unless you know the absolute, ultimate reference system to preordain which is which…

“The very notion of a universe independent of man…”  is not true. That does not necessarily means the antithesis is true. There is a third possibility: we are all and each interdependent with the universe.


P.S. to avoid misunderstandings:

I share your belief in “something” (vast and powerful), which might be called the Spirit, the Absolute or the Infinite Creator or whatever. I do not believe there are some “very deep insiders” allowed to ask question and deliver answers from “there” (or from “him”).

Comment by Lindsay Newland Bowker on December 3, 2011 at 10:55am

Good morning Jitedra  from the silvery light of an east coast morning on the ocean.

yes your observation :

"The systems we seek to transform are held in place by something vast and powerful below our awareness, our own individual and collective subconscious"

The implied question "what is that something vast that holds it in place; how do we engage that "from the inside out" to bring baout that transformation" obviously struck a chord that lead, to a spotansuous and very fruitful conversation.

Reaffirms our first premise here at Occupy that asking the right question is always the key that opens up new insights and new possibilities.  (iei asking a question that does not contain our pre formed idea about that the answer is or should be)

This path (thread) should continue here to retain all that was said as a whole in context as it evolved..

This emphasis on "harvesting: I find often misses or loses this texture and context that is so important to truly harvesting what the exchange was about, the journey that was taken and where the partcipants are on the path.  I learn much more reading and entire conversation than from "harvests" which are cuts an d pastes "  There should be more of an effort I think, to summarize the entire conversation rather than harvest individual ideas from it..mor emphasis on capturing the evolution of underlying emerging themes or collaborative insights

I'm only sayin'.  



Comment by David Eggleton on December 3, 2011 at 1:03am

Yes, the comment wall is ideal for random 3 - 5 sentences, quotes, links, photos.  However, one can't always foresee a discussion that wants to happen.

Comment by Jitendra Darling on December 2, 2011 at 10:22pm

Does everyone here understand the difference between this comment wall and creating discussion threads?  I'm not being rhetorical here.  I haven't really used the group forums before now.

These wall comments are up front and visible yet we can't really build  discussions except in one long, linear thread.  The discussion forum that David just used will allow us to build particular conversations...with tags, so that we can Mind Map them as I build out that function, which, by the way, I may have up by next week.

Comment by Jitendra Darling on December 2, 2011 at 9:45pm

I love the thought-fullness here.  About that world "out there"...

Earth and our 4D reality is a remarkably accurate feedback system for our consciousness.  In order to know what is constellated in our consciousness, and unconsciousness...just look at what assembles in our awareness, what we see.  I am that. 

BTW, we don't get to do the Advaitan shuffle - I am not that  (refute identity with or discount any level of reality as not being real) without first knowing fully that we are the source of that-and digesting it.

First there is a mountain

Then there is no mountain

Then there is. )))


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Regular Calls are no longer being held.  Below is the schedule that was maintained from the Fall of 2011 through Jan 10, 2013.

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8-10a PDT | 11a-1p EDT | 3-5p GMT 

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1-3p PDT | 4-6p EDT | 8-10p GMT

"Occupy Heart" 

3-5p PDT | 6-8p EDT | 10p-12a GMT

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Sep 20, 2012
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When a Leadership Ecology occurs, a web of relationships emerges revealing each person’s authentic leadership qualities through the transfer of their power to others. When done in a conscious way – a shared collaborative awakening happens.See More
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